11-10 主要年份规模以上工业企业全员劳动生产率
Overall Labor Productivity of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size in Main Years
单位:元/人 (yuan/person)

合 计        
年 份 Total 国有企业 集体企业 “三资”企业 其他企业
Year   State-owned Collective-owned Foreign Funded Other Enterprises
    Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises  
1998 53499 64347 27238 56952 46688
1999 60087 81519 30910 58846 47523
2000 60342 108088 32429 61748 48220
2001 69917 89566 40058 72400 67034
2002 76324 103186 40514 76773 79963
2003 89991 126215 36475 97733 83382
2004 96845 168409 30129 107890 70332
2005 115051 231185 31305 125912 86735
2006 132200 300403 31106 145278 97882
2007 156811 392930 32447 170755 116857
2008 175472 242679 25413 193910 153715
2009 181874 170356 31688 213960 142523
2010 189103 197233 38990 223761 145249
2011 213069 216681 45536 239725 179971
2012 229692 231914 40209 240817 191849
2013 234556 186829 75529 256619 212647
2014 255517 205164 74531 287356 231897
2015 270906 179132 101921 305602 262179
2016 292630 240810 110977 334070 279395
2017 322118 228782 62375 352981 293469
2018 339734 277878 84997 376995 308216
2019 346318 304116 90347 394729 305378
2020 372124 286788 113202 429179 326301
2021 396099 304846 127564 471238 338000
Note: The data in this table are calculated on basis of the value-added of industry. The same as in the following tables. 

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