11-8 工业三大支柱产业主要指标(2021年)
Major Indicators of Three Pillar Industrial Industries (2021)
行  业 Sector 单位数 从业人员 工业总产值
(个) (万人) (亿元)
Number of Employed Gross Output
Units Persons Value of
(unit) (10000 persons) Industry
    (100 million yuan)
合  计          Total                             1965 47.61 11405.15
汽车制造业         Automobile Manufacturing            344 16.03 6121.74
 # 汽车零部件制造业       Auto Parts Manufacturing           314 9.81 1585.89
电子产品制造业       Electronic Appliance Manufacturing    948 23.52 3352.29
石油化工制造业       Petrochemical Manufacturing          673 8.05 1931.11
三大支柱产业占全市比重 (%) Three Pillar Industries Proportion of All Industrial Enterprises (%) 29.08 37.99 49.33
Note: The data in this table cover the industrial enterprises above designated size.

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