11-7 规模以上工业企业出口交货值(2021年)
Delivery Value of Exports of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项    目 Item 出口产品交货值
Delivery Value
of Exports
总  计 Total  29800902
按登记注册类型分 Grouped by Registration Status   
 国有企业  State-owned Industry 68593
 集体企业  Collective-owned Industry 116481
 其他企业  Others 29615827
按隶属关系分 Grouped by Administrative Relationship  
 中央企业  Central Governments 837307
 地方企业   Local Governments 28963595
按轻重工业分 Grouped by Light & Heavy Industries  
 轻工业  Light Industry 9350580
 重工业  Heavy Industry 20450322
按生产规模分 Grouped by Size of Enterprises  
 大中型企业  Large and Medium Enterprises 23435195
 小微型企业  Small and Micro Industrial Enterprises 6365706
按工业行业分 Grouped by Sector  
 煤炭开采和洗选业  Mining and Washing of Coal  
 石油和天然气开采业  Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas  
 黑色金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores  
 有色金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores  
 非金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores  
 开采专业及辅助性活动  Mining Professional and Auxiliary Activities  
 其他采矿业  Mining of Other Ores  
 农副食品加工业  Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 76921
 食品制造业  Manufacture of Foods 269028
 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业  Manufacture of wine,Beverages and Refined Tea 6364
 烟草制品业  Manufacture of Tobacco 2224
 纺织业  Manufacture of Textile 717373
 纺织服装、服饰业  Manufacture of Textile Wearing Apparel,Clothing 537062
 皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业  Manufacture of Leather,Fur,Feather and Related Products and Footwear 657006

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