11-6 主要年份规模以上工业企业出口交货值及比重
Delivery Value of Exports and Proportion of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size in Main Years
单位:万元   (10000 yuan)
年 份
工业销售产值 出口交货值 出口交货值比重(%)
Sale Output Delivery Proportion of Exports
Value of Industry Value of Exports Delivery Value (%)
2001 27171297 6502235 23.93
2002 31156870 7881230 25.30
2003 39241536 9599697 24.46
2004 50207200 12824023 25.54
2005 59120813 14945688 25.28
2006 71756225 17218091 24.00
2007 87657013 19543878 22.30
2008 103134403 22092456 21.42
2009 111566225 22173771 19.87
2010 133127027 27046367 20.32
2011 138247622 28060074 20.30
2012 146583202 26330137 17.96
2013 152817401 27672722 18.11
2014 158400387 28273891 17.85
2015 162062563 27444560 16.93
2016 168376153 26394955 15.68
2017 177607921 22999291 15.18
2018 185723217 27199454 14.65
2019 190765499 27696705 14.52
2020 198483431 26037853 13.12
2021 222586643 29800902 13.39

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