11-5 规模以上工业销售产值
Sales Value of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size
单位:万元                                                                            (10000 yuan)
项  目 Item 2020 2021
总  计 Total 198483431 222586643
按登记注册类型分 Grouped by Registration Status     
 国有企业   State-owned Industry 801695 925081
 集体企业   Collective-owned Industry 169438 185992
 私营企业   Private Entreprises 30207132 39575768
 港、澳、台商投资企业   Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 20608421 23404770
 外商投资企业   Foreign Funded Enterprises 87467935 94032694
 其他企业   Other Enterprises 59228810 64462338
按隶属关系分 Grouped by Administrative Relationship    
 中央企业   Central Governments 23340801 25232468
 地方企业   Local Governments 175142630 197354176
按轻重工业分 Grouped by Light & Heavy Industries    
 轻工业   Light Industry 51474012 53654651
 重工业   Heavy Industry 147009419 168931992
按生产规模分 Grouped by Size of Enterprises    
 大中型企业   Large and Medium Industrial Enterprises 142663876 153487836
 小微型企业   Small and Micro Industrial Enterprises 55819555 69098807

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