11-3 按历史时期分工业总产值
Gross Output Value of Industry by History Periods

工业总产值     工业总产值    
  (万元)     年平均增长    
时 期       (%)    
  Gross Output 轻工业 重工业 Annual Average 轻工业 重工业
Period Value of Light Industry Heavy Industry Growth Speed of Light Industry Heavy Industry
  Industry     Gross Output Value     
  (10000 yuan)

of Industry (%)    
“六五”时期 6447893 4209237 2238656 12.8 13.1 12.4
6th Five-year Plan Period            
“七五”时期 16252266 10438049 5814217 13.1 14.5 10.6
7th Five-year Plan Period            
“八五”时期 59397158 34984219 24412939 26.1 24.7 28.7
8th Five-year Plan Period            
“九五”时期 128360576 77117816 51242760 15.7 14.8 17.3
9th Five-year Plan Period            
“十五”时期 244226575 117486095 126740480 18.3 12.0 26.1
10th Five-year Plan Period            
“十一五”时期 562510382 210425419 352084963 15.8 13.2 17.9
11th Five-year Plan Period            
“十二五”时期 829354957 285272598 544082359 9.8 10.2 9.5
12th Five-year Plan Period            
“十三五”时期 1025233888 309299141 715934747 5.0 0.7 6.9
13th Five-year Plan Period            
1979-2021 2959473310 1009331048 1950142262 14.1 12.6 15.4
2012-2021 1950215504 608220268 1341995236 7.2 4.8 8.3
2017-2021 1084219815 316129831 768089984 5.7 2.7 7.0

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