10-20 都市农业主要指标
Main Economic Indicators of Urban Agriculture
指   标     Item     2020 2021
都市农业总收入        (万元)   Total Income of Urban Agriculture                     (10000 yuan)   26125981 27993989
# 农林牧渔业收入       (万元)    Income of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery        (10000 yuan)   5140286 5425505
 加工本地农产品总收入    (万元)    Total Income of Processing of Local Agriculture Products  (10000 yuan)   13601189 14795105
 运输本地农产品总收入    (万元)    Total Income of Transpot of Local Agriculture Products   (10000 yuan)   1783165 1910661
 批发零售本地农产品总收入  (万元)    Total Income of Wholesale and Retail Trade of Local Agriculture Products (10000 yuan)   5162679 5531811
 观光休闲旅游农业企业总收入 (万元)    Total Income of Agricultural sightseeing Tourism Enterpises          (10000 yuan)   438662 330907
都市农业增加值        (万元)   Value-added of Urban Agriculture                     (10000 yuan)   10464600 11197595
# 农林牧渔业增加值      (万元)    Value-added of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery   (10000 yuan)   3136472 3320951
 加工本地农产品增加值    (万元)    Value-added of Processing of Local Agriculture Products  (10000 yuan)   3305089 3536595
 运输本地农产品增加值    (万元)    Value-added of Transpot of Local Agriculture Products    (10000 yuan)   988943 1058214
 批发零售本地农产品增加值  (万元)    Value-added of Wholesale and Retail Trade of Local Agriculture Products                                             (10000 yuan)   2994354 3204094
 观光休闲旅游农业增加值   (万元)    Value-added of Agricultural Sightseeing Tourism        (10000 yuan)   39742 77742
种子、种苗销售额       (万元)   Sales value of Seeds and Seedlings                     (10000 yuan)   288853 327485
接待观光休闲游客人次    (万人次)   Total Number of Agricultural Sightseeing Tourist   (10000 Person-times)   2907 1121
都市农业从业人员       (万人)   Employed Persons in Urban Agriculture               (10000 Person)   155 99
都市农业劳动生产率      (元/人)   Urban Agriculture Labor Productivity                  (yuan/person)   67514 113107
农业产业化规模比重        (%)   Proportion of Industrialization of Agriculture                     (%)   48.4 39.3
农业产业化企业(组织)幅射能力   (%)   Radiation Ability of Industrialization of Agriculture Enterprises(Organizations)                                                   (%)   35.3 38.1
带动本地农户数         (户)   Numbers of Local Farmers Drived by Industrialization of Agriculture Enterprises (unit)   311201 325910
绿色农产品个数         (个)   Numbers of Green Agricultural Products                       (unit)   57 71
绿色农产品产值        (万元)   Output Value of Green Agricultural Products             (10000 yuan)   15951 39000
农业产业化生产单位       (个)   Industrialization of Agriculture Enterprises                     (unit)   899 1051
# 农业龙头企业         (个)    Agriculture Leading Enterprises                             (unit)   374 416
 # 国家级           (个)      National                                              (unit)   12 15
  省 级           (个)      Provincial                                             (unit)   124 145
  市 级           (个)      Municipal                                            (unit)   236 330
农业生产基地(示范区)      (个)   Agricultural Production Bases (Demonstration Area)             (unit)   100 101
规模以上农业生产单位      (个)   Agricultural Enterprises above the Designcoted Size              (unit)   715 927
农产品交易市场         (个)   Trade Markets of Agricultural Products                        (unit)   67 52
注:1. 从2019年起,“观光休闲旅游农业企业总收入”改为“农业观光休闲旅游总收入”,统计范围由农业龙头企业扩展为全社会涉农观光休闲单位。
Notes:  I. Since 2019 ,the"total income of agricultural enterprises in sightseeing and leisure tourism" will be changed to "total income of agricultural sightseeing and leisure tourism" , and the statistical scope will be expanded 
      from leading agricultural enterprises to agriculture-related sightseeing and leisure units in the whole society.
      II. The number of green agricultural products does not contain the number of organic agricultural products.

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