10-19 全市村委会社会经济基本情况(2021年)
Social and Economic Information of Village Committees (2021)
项   目     Item     全市 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
        Total Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
基本情况                 Basic Information                     
 村委会数              (个)    Number of Village Committees                              (unit)   1145 118 28 177 188 128 221 285
 行政区域面积           (公顷)    Area of Administrative Region                            (hectare)   560824 47683 17397 40558 86678 42776 174631 151101
 通公共交通村数           (个)    Number of Villages Available for Public Transport               (unit)   1120 117 27 176 176 128 218 278
 有公共厕所数            (个)    Number of public toilets available                            (unit)   1079 118 28 173 188 126 167 279
 垃圾集中处理村数          (个)    Number of Villages with Centralized Garbage Disposal           (unit)   1136 117 28 175 186 125 220 285
 污水集中处理村数          (个)    Number of Villages with Centralized Sewage Treatment           (unit)   999 114 27 171 159 101 183 244
 有电子商务配送站点村数       (个)    Number of Villages with E-Commerce Distribution Centre        (unit)   865 85 12 172 146 118 136 196
人口情况                 Population                         
 户籍户数              (户)    Registered Households                                (household)   996442 135533 19695 182006 162634 120895 117808 257871
 户籍人口              (人)    Registered Population                                   (person)   3202003 490132 97270 467815 548780 334311 499884 763811
 # 全家外出半年以上人口       (人)     The Whole Family Has Been Away for More Than Half a Year  (person)   348205 23194 59691 21092 59667 12383 29382 142796
 常住户数              (户)    Permanent Households                                (household)   1896143 295768 9755 613244 340253 252603 110033 274487
 常住人口              (人)    Permanent Population                                   (person)   5713506 1027895 39116 1663542 1083719 621938 449131 828165
社会保障及社会服务情况          Social Insurance and Social Service                     
 农村特困救助供养人数        (人)    Number of Rural Special Poverty Relief Providers            (Persons)   3929 60 60 162 597 397 963 1690
 体育健身场所数           (个)    Number of Gymnasia and Stadium                           (unit)   3419 565 56 367 525 158 652 1096
 图书室(馆)、文化站数        (个)    Number of Liberaries and Cultural Stations                    (unit)   922 118 47 101 238 129 90 199
 卫生室数              (个)    Number of Health Rooms                                   (unit)   1023 110 22 101 196 104 215 275
 执业(助理)医师数          (个)    Number of Practicing (Assistant) Doctors                    (person)   1223 140 25 138 238 128 251 303
产业发展情况                Industrial Development                       
 种植规模户             (户)    Planting Scale Households                             (household)   1587 25 26 212 312 127 300 585
 畜禽养殖规模户           (户)    Livestock and Poultry Breeding Scale Households          (household)   323 25   55 47 7 50 139
 家庭农场              (个)    Family Farm                                             (unit)   502 50 15 36 43 26 93 239
 有实际经营活动的农民专业合作社   (个)    Specialized farmer cooperatives with actual business activities            (unit)   925 44 10 36 54 42 373 366
 有实际经营活动的农民专业合作社成员 (户)    Member of Specialized farmer cooperatives with actual business activities   (household)   13697 1506 54 857 756 606 6187 3731
 营业面积50平方米以上的商店或超市   (个)    Stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters (unit)   5660 984 26 1593 1129 562 276 1090
农田水利情况                Situation of farmland and water conservancy                     
 能正常使用的机电井         (个)    Mechanical and Electrical Wells That Can be Used Normally      (unit)   1014 335 2 200 122 4 90 261
 能正常使用的排灌站         (个)    Drainage and Irrigation Stations That Can be Used Normally      (unit)   1604 166 1 124 113 944 57 199
 本村能够使用的灌溉用水塘和水库   (个)    Irrigation Ponds and Reservoirs That Can Be Used in the Village    (unit)   1853 104 41 229 570 202 323 384
村务情况                  Village Administrative Affairs                     
 全年村集体收入          (万元)     Annual Income of Village Collectives                  (10000 yuan)   845595 49265 32282 426836 117570 144813 6410 68419
 # 经营收入            (万元)       Operating Income                                (10000 yuan)   496317 30283 387 309327 74320 49875 3655 28470
 村级办公支出           (万元)     Village Level Office Expenditure                     (10000 yuan)   96067 27303 1269 24657 13188 10631 3717 15302
 村干部人数             (人)     Number of Village Cadres                               (person)   8061 812 261 1219 1319 749 1684 2017
Note: The whole family has been away for more than half a year. the village committee in this table refers to all the village committees listed in the city, excluding empty shell villages. The indicators of village collective economy refer to the income and expenditure controlled by the village committee (village collective).

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