10-13 农村电力、化肥用量和农田水利建设情况(2021年)
Statistics on Electricity, Chemical Fertilizer Consumption and Construction of Water Conservancy Works in Rural Areas (2021)
项    目   Item   全 市 荔湾区 海珠区 天河区 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
    Total Liwan Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
农村电气化              Rural Electrification                           
 农村用电量     (万千瓦·时)    Electricity Consumed in Rural Areas                        (10000 kilowatt/hour)   1403300 30490 41349 95919 254814 49598 429378 83628 313878 28628 75618
 农村小水电站个数      (个)    Number of Small Hydropower Stations in Rural Areas                       (unit)   127             7   108 12
 农村小水电站装机容量   (千瓦)    Installed Capacity of Small Hydropower Stations in Rural Areas            (kilowatt)   105249             2325   78009 24915
 农村小水电站发电量 (万千瓦·时)    Generated Energy of Small Hydropower Stations in Rural Areas  (10000 kilowatts/hour)   27615             67   25403 2145
农村化学化              Rural Chemicalizing                            
 化肥施用量     (实物量、吨)    Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers (gross weight)                          (ton)   265820 43 204 101 55596 3949 10800 28411 38170 46390 82156
 化肥施用量     (折纯量、吨)    Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers (effective weight)                       (ton)   97832 20 70 41 14437 1913 4132 9902 17028 17934 32355
 农用薄膜使用量       (吨)    Consumption of Plastic Film in Agriculture                                 (ton)   2106 224   3 100 43 220 138 585 370 423
 农药施用量         (吨)    Consumption of Agricultural Pesticide                                     (ton)   2655 3 6 5 189 178 287 448 412 457 670
 农用柴油使用量       (吨)    Consumption of Diesel Oil in Agriculture                                  (ton)   40019   1099 15 971 115 1976 5093 10785 14846 5119
农田水利建设             Construction of Water Conservancy Works                           
 有效灌溉面积       (公顷)    Irrigated Area                                                     (hectare)   73430 248 73 150 6761 2024 4473 9343 15962 16848 17548
 有效灌溉面积占耕地比重    (%)    As Percentage of Total Cultivated Land                                     (%)   83.66 41.47 91.25 94.94 91.5 97.87 73.61 100 100 84.73 66.96
 旱涝保收面积       (公顷)    Drought and Flooded Area under Control and Ensuring Stable Yields         (hectare)   63311 248 73 150 6742 2024 3472 9108 15926 11360 14208
 旱涝保收面积占耕地比重    (%)    As Percentage of Total Cultivated Land                                     (%)   72.14 41.47 91.25 94.94 91.24 97.87 57.13 97.48 99.77 57.13 54.21
 机电排灌面积       (公顷)    Area with Motorized Drainage and Irrigation Facilities                     (hectare)   47063 187 73 101 5818 2024 3315 6379 14105 3188 11873
 机电排灌面积占耕地比重    (%)    As Percentage of Total Cultivated Land                                     (%)   53.62 31.27 91.25 63.92 78.74 97.87 54.55 68.28 88.37 16.03 45.30

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