10-12 农林牧渔专业及辅助性活动生产情况(2021年)
Professional and Auxiliary Activities Production of Agricultural, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery(2021)
单位:万元 (10000yuan)
项   目 Item 全 市 荔湾区 海珠区 天河区 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
Total Liwan Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
农林牧渔专业及辅助性活动产值 Agricultural, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Specialty and Auxiliary  783537 4235 1728 57885 151132 19765 52135 99355 125916 67392 203994
   Activity Output Value                      
 农业专业及辅助性活动产值  Agricultural Specialty and Auxiliary Activity Output Value 469907 4235 1728 47202 94441 14389 7018 21480 109879 40640 128895
  农业机械服务   Agricultural Machinery Service 34077   2   744 317   603 7028 9291 16092
  灌溉服务   Irrigation Service 31196       9010 176   7043 5284 4861 4822
  出售农业种子种苗收入   Income from The Sale of Agricultural Seeds and Seedlings 136758 4235 286 23915 25774 7921 6625 2189 35820 3368 26625
  农产品初加工收入   Income from Primary Processing of Agricultural Products 111777   1293 23287 4014 579 293 2483 825 18962 60041
  其他农业专业及辅助性活动收入   Other Agricultural Professional and Auxiliary Activities Income 156099   147   54899 5396 100 9162 60922 4158 21315
 林业专业及辅助性活动产值  Output Value of Forestry Specialty and Auxiliary Activities 26493     2708 2410 1020   1787 100 2180 16288
  林业有害生物防治服务   Forest Pest Control Services 2616     50   26   11 100 938 1491
  森林防火服务   Forest Fire Protection Service 2208     30   50   713   183 1232
  出售林业种子种苗收入   Revenue from The Sale of Forestry Seeds and Seedlings 2070     78 60 384       96 1452
  林产品初加工收入   Primary Processing of Forest Products 9119         378   720   193 7828
  其他林业专业及辅助性活动收入   Other Forestry Professional and Auxiliary Activities Income 10480     2550 2350 182   343   770 4285
 畜牧专业及辅助性活动产值  Animal Husbandry Professional and Auxiliary Activity Output Value 150290     7975 40074 3325 411 34461 461 22862 40721
  出售畜禽种苗收入   Income from Selling Livestock and Poultry Seedlings 102192     7945 20147 947 411 26386 461 15389 30506
   其中:出售仔猪    Including: Selling Piglets 27897       440     19126 461 7570 300
      出售鸡苗    Selling Chicks 36114     7945 8014 947   1143   6533 11532
  畜牧产品初加工收入   Income from Primary Processing of Livestock Products 11677       788 2378   887   1165 6459
  其他畜牧业专业及辅助性活动收入   Income from Other Professional and Auxiliary Activities of Animal Husbandry                                             36421     30 19139     7188   6308 3756
 渔业专业及辅助性活动产值  Fishery Professional and Auxiliary Activities Output Value 136847       14207 1031 44706 41627 15476 1710 18090
  出售水产鱼苗收入   Income from Selling Fish Fry 86465       2544 366 44706 15576 15188 950 7135
  水产品初加工收入   Income from Primary Processing of Aquatic Products 24550       601 48   17497   275 6129
  其他渔业专业及辅助性活动收入   Other Fishery Professional and Auxiliary Activities Income 25832       11062 617   8554 288 485 4826

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