10-11 畜牧业生产情况(2021年)
Statistics on Animal Husbandry Production (2021)
项     目   Item   全  市 白云区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
    Total Baiyun Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
年末牛存栏量             (头)   Number of Farm Cattle on Hand at Year-end               (head)   11838 1030 132 82 49 5756 4789
 役用牛                   Draft Cattle                                             242       24 218  
 肉用牛                   Beef Cattle                                              2932   111 82 8 176 2555
 奶 牛                   Cow                                                   8664 1030 21   17 5362 2234
牛奶产量               (吨)   Output of Milk                                        (ton)   30422 3390 3   21 18349 8659
牛出栏量               (头)   Number of Slaughtered Cattle                           (head)   3164 355 38 123 20 1194 1434
牛肉产量               (吨)   Output of Beef                                        (ton)   412 42 4 15 4 157 190
生猪饲养量              (头)   Total Number of Hogs Raised                           (head)   923974 53766   214481 140476 320301 194950
年末生猪存栏量            (头)   Number of Hogs on Hand at Year-end                     (head)   308380 11083   61063 48167 93067 95000
# 能繁殖的母猪                 Female Hogs                                            28138 650   5204 4468 9190 8626
生猪出栏量              (头)   Number of Slaughtered Fattened Hogs                    (head)   615594 42683   153418 92309 227234 99950
猪肉产量               (吨)   Output of Pork                                        (ton)   46904 3133   11609 7250 17299 7613
年末羊存栏量             (头)   Number of Sheep and Goats on Hand at Year-end           (head)   3011   283 381 116 319 1912
羊出栏量               (头)   Number of Slaughtered Sheep and Goats                   (head)   2232   88 743 119 235 1047
羊肉产量               (吨)   Output of Mutton                                      (ton)   41   2 13 3 4 19
年末家禽存栏量           (万只)   Number of Poultry on Hand at Year-end             (10000 units)   1336 98 74 157 31 434 542
# 三 鸟                    Chickens, Ducks and Gooses                               735 9 24 84 30 392 196
 # 鸡                     Chickens                                             664 9 6 83 14 386 166
家禽出栏量             (万只)   Number of Slaughtered Poultry                    (10000 units)   4755 531 341 733 190 556 2404
# 三 鸟                    Chickens, Ducks and Gooses                               1943 71 326 431 188 476 451
 # 鸡                     Chickens                                             1351 71 34 402 56 393 395
禽肉产量               (吨)   Output of Poultry Meat                                 (ton)   50910 8025 4650 7033 3109 7130 20963
禽蛋产量               (吨)   Output of Poultry Eggs                                  (ton)   21124 223 1123 181 58 17716 1823
肉类总产量              (吨)   Output of Meat                                       (ton)   98658 11200 4657 18695 10371 24922 28813
蜂蜜产量               (吨)   Output of Honey                                       (ton)   6874   12 492 36 1476 4858
NoteHuangpu has no livestock production since 2021.

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