10-10 续表 continued
项  目   Item   番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
    Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
水产品养殖总面积 (公顷)   Total Cultured Area of Aquatic Products            (hectare)   3626 4594 6955 1434 3146
# 淡水养殖         Freshwater Artificially Cultured     1999 4594 4159 1434 3146
 # 鱼 塘          Fish Pond                   1999 4594 4159 1060 3146
水产品总产量 (吨)   Total Aquatic Products    (ton)   149191 82463 159838 8364 59873
 按作业分          Grouped by Production                     
  海洋捕捞          Marine Fishing               9652   771   19
  海水养殖          Mariculture                  50439   59580    
  淡水捕捞          Freshwater Fishing            24536 44 3423   143
  淡水养殖          Freshwater Aquaculture          64564 82419 96064 8364 59711
 按种类分          Grouped by Species                      
  鱼 类           Fish                      131770 82230 142300 8361 59336
  甲壳类           Shrimps, Prawns and Crabs       10473 58 17448   8
  贝 类           Shell-fish                    6863   90    
  其他水产类         Other Aquatic Products          85 175   3 529

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