10-4 乡村基层基本情况(2021年)
Basic Statistics on Rural Grassroots Units (2021)
            全 市 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
        Total Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
乡村基层组织          (个)   Rural Grassroots Units                                        (unit)                  
 镇政府                  Number of Town Governments                                     34 4 1 5 6 6 5 7
 村(居)民委员会             Number of Villagers' Committees and Residents' Committee                                          1367 164 63 198 201 155 238 308
 # 村民委员会      Villagers' committee     1145 118 28 177 188 128 221 285
乡村人口状况               Statistics on Rural Population                      
 乡镇户数           (户)    Number of Rural Households                             (household)   2382584 348606 21359 786657 372591 302427 148358 402586
 乡镇人口           (人)    Rural Population                                          (person)   7059197 1225429 90039 1965272 1218762 740835 576803 1242057
乡村社会基础设施        (个)   Number of Rural Infrastructure                                 (unit)                  
 自来水受益村               Number of Villages Benefiting from Tap Water                        1363 163 63 198 201 155 235 308
 通有线电视村               Number of Villages Available for Cable Television                     1366 163 63 198 201 155 238 308
 通宽带村                 Number of Villages Available for Broadband Internet                   1366 163 63 198 201 155 238 308
乡村劳动力资源总数       (人)   Total Number of Rural Labor Force                            (person)   4861189 857170 58506 1432642 808854 530714 376393 796910
# 本地劳动力                Local Labor Force                                               2220547 333732 47446 414978 343094 253693 333431 494173
# 劳动年龄内的人口数            Number of Population within Labor Age                             4748898 838808 58755 1404399 795817 518979 354700 777440
乡村从业人员合计        (人)   Total Number of Rural Employed Persons                       (person)   4382713 791153 54429 1256734 756615 490611 333346 699825
# 劳动年龄内                Within Labor Age                                               4227997 766347 51938 1220880 739573 474619 305229 669411
 农、林、牧、渔业从业人员        Number of Rural Employed Persons in Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 588576 67165 13254 52273 92614 80266 132811 150193
  农业                   Agriculture                                                    489902 57708 10718 38257 81640 69544 113438 118597
  林业                   Forestry                                                      7089 224 937 404 721 238 2275 2290
  畜牧业                  Animal Husbandry                                              21862 217 12 2106 1518 426 9533 8050
  渔业                   Fishery                                                       41481 4785 1042 9544 6427 7146 2829 9708
  农、林、牧、渔服务业          Service Industry for Agriculture                                   28242 4231 545 1962 2308 2912 4736 11548
 工 业                  Industry                                                       1767835 258309 12003 495887 417645 227915 94616 261460
 建筑业                  Construction                                                   294518 42577 6396 88887 36751 35130 22786 61991
 批发和零售业               Wholesale and Retail Trade                                        408273 82316 3826 169822 56494 30595 20656 44564
 交通运输、仓储和邮电业         Transport, Storage and Post                                        269240 77978 2591 86055 42058 23332 9751 27475
 住宿和餐饮业               Hotels and Catering Services                                       340206 65801 3827 136768 41835 27923 23267 40785
 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业     Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services      241209 93615 2590 86017 23880 13740 6489 14878
 其他行业                 Others                                                        472856 103392 9942 141025 45338 51710 22970 98479
NotesI. The scope of villages in this table includes all village committees, neighborhood committees of towns and village-level farms, excluding urban neighborhood committees established for the development of colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, industrial and mining areas and commercial houses.
    II. The number of villagers committees does not include the number of neighborhood committees and village-level farms.

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