10-3 耕地面积及变动情况(2021年)
Statistics on Area of Cultivated Land and Its Changes (2021)
单位:公顷 (hectare)
项  目 Item 全 市 荔湾区 海珠区 天河区 白云区 黄埔区
Total Liwan Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu
年初耕地总资源 Total Resources of Cultivated Land at Year-beginning 89221 611 91 181 7694 2232
年末耕地总资源 Total Resources of Cultivated Land at Year-end 88985 597 80 158 7465 2226
# 常用耕地面积  Area of Cultivated Land 87767 598 80 158 7389 2068
 # 水(旱)田   Paddy Fields 65752 42   99 3426 1269
当年增加耕地面积 Area of Increased Cultivated Land in Current Year 2112   2     72
# 园地改为耕地  Area of Cultivated Land Adapted from Garden Land 61   2     13
当年减少耕地面积 Area of Decreased Cultivated Land in Current Year 2348 14 13 23 229 78
# 国家基建占用  Occupied by Capital Construction 1178   13   79 39
 其他基建占用  Occupied by Other Construction 347 14   23   13
粮食占用耕地面积 Area of Cultivated Land Occupied by Grain 16242       353 346
蔬菜占用耕地面积 Area of Cultivated Land Occupied by Vegetables 25756 190 84 93 4049 572

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