10-1 农业主要指标
Major Indicators of Agriculture
项  目   Item   2020 2021
乡镇户数         (户)   Number of Rural Households                        (household)   2165270 2382584
乡镇人口         (人)   Rural Population                                     (person)   6919283 7059197
乡镇从业人员       (人)   Number of Rural Employed Persons                      (person)   4236426 4382713
农、林、牧、渔业从业人员 (人)   Number of Rural Employed Persons in Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery                                 638933 616742
常用耕地面积      (公顷)   Area of Cultivated Land                               (hectare)   87831 87767
有效灌溉面积      (公顷)   Irrigated Area                                       (hectare)   73753 73430
耕地水利化程度       (%)   Irrigation Degree of Cultivated Land                         (%)   82.43 82.52
农业机械总动力     (万瓦)   Total Power of Agricultural Machinery                  (10000 w)   125651 127843
农、林、牧、渔业劳动机械化程度  (%)   Labor Mechanization Degree of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery   (%)   7.09 7.92
化肥施用量(折纯)   (吨)   Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers (100 percent effective content equivalent)                                           (ton)   99779 97832
农药使用量        (吨)   Consumption of Pesticides                                (ton)   2730 2655
农村用电量    (万千瓦·时)   Electricity Consumed in Rural Area                  (10000 kwh)   1405990 1403300
农、林、牧、渔业总产值 (万元)   Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (10000 yuan)   5140286 5425505
农、林、牧、渔业增加值 (万元)   Value-added of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery  (10000 yuan)   3136472 3320951
主要农产品产量          Output of Major Agricultural Products                             
 粮 食         (吨)    Grain                                                (ton)   142248 150769
 花 生         (吨)    Peanuts                                              (ton)   12829 10793
 蔬 菜         (吨)    Vegetables                                            (ton)   4038203 4038410
 园林水果        (吨)    Fruits                                                (ton)   792494 819400
 肉 类         (吨)    Meat                                                (ton)   112080 98658
 水产品         (吨)    Aquatic Products                                       (ton)   506702 507701
都市农业从业人员    (万人)   Employed Persons in Urban Agriculture             (10000 person)   155 99
都市农业总收入     (万元)   Total Income of Urban Agriculture                   (10000 yuan)   26125981 27993989
NoteData of added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery are express numbers.

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