9-6 城市市容环境卫生
City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation
项   目     Item     2020 2021
道路清扫保洁面积     (万平方米)   Area of Roads under Cleaning Program          (10000 sq.m)   24458 22362
# 机械化                   By Mechanization                                    15208 15515
城镇生活垃圾清运量      (万吨)   Volume of Living Garbage Disposal             (10000 tons)   613.15 587.38
城镇生活垃圾处理量      (万吨)   Garbage Treatment                           (10000 tons)   613.15 587.38
城镇生活垃圾无害化处理厂(场)数 (座)   Number of Garbage Harmless Disposal Factories         (unit)   16 25
城镇生活垃圾无害化处理量   (万吨)   Volume of Garbage Harmless Disposal           (10000 tons)   613.15 587.38
城镇生活垃圾无害化处理率     (%)   Rate of Garbage Harmless Disposal                     (%)   100.00 100.00
公共厕所            (座)   Number of Public Lavatories                         (unit)   1649 1756
市容环卫专用车辆设备总数     (辆)   Number of Special Vehicles for Environmental Sanitation  (unit)   5719 6806
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau according to the platform data,and are reviewed and supplemented by Guangzhou Urban 
     Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau.       

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