9-5 城市园林绿化
Parks, Gardens and Green Areas in Urban Districts
项   目     Item     2020 2021
绿化覆盖面积     (公顷)   Coverage Area of Afforestation       (hectare)   157120 157860
# 建成区              Developed Areas                        61465 59558
建成区绿化覆盖率     (%)   Green Coverage Rate in Developed Areas  (%)   45.52 43.60
绿地面积       (公顷)   Area of Green Areas               (hectare)   147800 148540
# 建成区              Developed Areas                        53962 52264
建成区绿地率       (%)   Rate of Green Areas in Developed Areas   (%)   39.96 38.26
公园绿地面积     (公顷)   Area of Gardens                   (hectare)   32358 32360
人均公园绿地面积  (平方米)   Per Capita Garden                   (sq.m)   17.33 17.20
公园个数        (个)   Number of Parks                     (unit)   247 387
公园面积       (公顷)   Area of Parks                     (hectare)   5198 76624
建成区面积    (平方公里)   Developed Areas                   (sq.km)   1350.41 1366.02
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau according to the platform data, and are reviewed and supplemented by Guangzhou Municipal 
    Forestry and Landscaping Bureau.
     III. According to the Regulations of Guangzhou Municipal Park, the statistical caliber of the number and area of parks in 2021 has been adjusted and cannot be compared with previous years.

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