9-4 城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资额
Investment in Fixed Assets in Public Facilities in Urban Districts
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
本年完成投资 Investment Completed in Current Year 8194898 8371315
 供 水   Water Supply 247842 448059
 燃 气   Gas Supply 100342 137049
 轨道交通   Rail Traffic 3952984 3636168
 道路桥梁   Roads and Bridges 1596819 1993013
 排 水   Drainage 1102381 1108938
 园林绿化   Parks and Green Areas 58037 54580
 市容环境卫生   Environmental sanitation 467002 707191
 其 他   Others 669491 286317
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II.The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau after collecting the data of relevant units, and are reviewed and upplemented by Guangzhou 
       Water Authority, Guangzhou Municipal Transportion Bureau, Guangzhou Municipal Forestry and Landscaping Bureau, and Guangzhou Municipal City Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. 
       The responsibility to interpret the data shall be remained with the related sectors.
     III. The "other" refers mainly to the underground utility corridor.

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