9-3 城市燃气供应
Gas Supply in Urban Districts
项   目     Item     2020 2021
液化石油气         Liquefied Petroleum Gas          
 储气能力     (吨)     Storage Capacity                               (ton)   6576.32 5495.95
 供气管道长度  (公里)     Length of Gas Supply Pipelines                (1000 m)   6.44 6.44
 供气总量     (吨)     Total Supply of Gas                            (ton)   633981.38 640591.20
  销售气量            Sales Volume of Gas                             633862.49 640491.24
  # 居民家庭            Households                                  291940.64 358803.24
 用气户数     (户)     Number of Households                         (unit)   2149705 1688086
 # 家庭用户           Families                                       2032035 1535323
 用气人口    (万人)     Number of Residents with Access to Gas   (10000 persons)   539.71 399.18
天然气           Natural Gas           
 储气能力  (万立方米)     Storage Capacity                        (10000 cu.m)   626.80 457.87
 供气管道长度  (公里)     Length of Gas Supply Pipelines                (1000 m)   10135.73 5960.16
 供气总量  (万立方米)     Total Supply of Gas                     (10000 cu.m)   270113.03 192376.71
 # 销售气量           Sales Volume of Gas                             268983.33 189908.35
  # 居民家庭            Households                                  41957.80 43730.86
 用气户数     (户)     Number of Households                         (unit)   2750589 2919445
 # 家庭用户           Families                                       2731985 2897451
 用气人口    (万人)     Number of Residents with Access to Gas   (10000 persons)   836.46 883.72
燃气普及率      (%)   Coverage Rate of Urban Population with Access to Gas  (%)   99.30 97.16
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau according to the platform data,and are reviewed and supplemented by Guangzhou Urban Management and 
     Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau.
     III. In 2021, the statistical methods of "number of residential households" and "population using gas" of liquefied petroleum gas changed.
     IV. Due to the further refinement requirements of provincial competent authorities, the statistical calibre of natural gas "gas storage capacity", "gas supply pipeline length", "total gas supply" and "sold gas volume" 
     indicators have all changed in 2021.

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