9-2 城市供水
Water Supply in Urban Districts
项   目   Item   2020 2021
综合生产能力  (万立方米/日)   Overall Production Capacity                     (10000 cu.m/day)   844.67 841.67
供水管道长度      (公里)   Length of Water Supply Pipelines                        (1000 m)   37232.74 41507.84
供水总量      (万立方米)   Total Volume of Water Supply                       (10000 cu.m)   253881.08 273942.82
# 售水量                Sales Volume of Tap Water                                  206480.19 224045.63
  生产运营用水            For Production Use                                       35475.05 43062.61
  公共服务用水            For Public Services                                       45424.38 54290.71
  居民家庭用水            For Household Use                                       114542.63 117407.42
  其他用水              Others                                                 11038.02 9270.79
用水户数         (户)   Number of Households with Access to Tap Water              (unit)   3365019 4045744
# 家庭用户               Number of Families with Access to Tap Water                   3049818 3744512
用水人口        (万人)   Number of Residents with Access to Tap Water       (10000 persons)   1771.86 1867.66
人均日生活用水量     (升)   Per Capita Daily Consumption of Tap Water for Residential Use  (liter)   263.69 265.47
用水普及率        (%)   Coverage Rate of Urban Population with Access to Tap Water      (%)   100.00 100.00
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II. The data in this table exclude the water supply by self-built facilities of corporations.
     III. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau according to the data on the platform,and are reviewed and supplemented by Guangzhou Water Authority.
     IV. The water consumption population shall be the water consumption population of the whole city minus the water consumption population in mountainous areas.      

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