9-1 城市市政设施
Public Facilities in Urban Districts
项    目   Item   2020 2021
道路长度           (公里)   Length of Roads                         (1000 m)   14162.84 14871.09
# 快速路                  Expressways                                  196.48 198.13
 主干路                Main Roads                                  1244.97 1382.14
道路面积         (万平方米)   Area of Roads                       (10000 sq.m)   19147.09 22242.95
# 人行道                   Pavement                                    2402.43 2382.64
人均城市道路面积      (平方米)   Per Capita Area of Roads                    (sq.m)   12.51 11.83
桥梁座数            (座)   Number of Bridges                         (unit)   1357 2173
# 立交桥                   Crossroads                                   245 242
道路照明灯盏数        (千盏)   Number of Street Lights                (1000 units)   746.53 803.73
排水管道长度         (公里)   Length of Sewer Pipelines                 (1000 m)   39000 42188
污水排放量        (万立方米)   Sewage Discharge Quantity      (10000 cubic metres)   215425 241573
污水处理厂           (座)   Sewage Treatment Plant                     (unit)   59 63
污水处理厂处理能力  (万立方米/日)   Sewage Treatment Capacity  (10000 cubic metres/day)   755 791
污水处理厂处理量     (万立方米)   Quantity of Sewage Treatment    (10000 cubic metres)   210900 239815
污水处理率           (%)   Sewage Treatment Rate                       (%)   97.9 98.3
# 污水处理厂集中处理率      (%)     Concentrated Sewage Treatment Rate           (%)   97.9 98.3
Notes: I. The coverage in this table includes 11 districts.
     II.The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau after collecting the data of relevant units, and are reviewed and supplemented by Guangzhou Municipal 
      Transport Bureau and Guangzhou Water Authority. The responsibility to interpret the data shall be remained with the related sectors.

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