7-10 各月住宅销售价格指数 (2021年, 上年同月=100)
Sales Prices Indices of Residence Buildings (2021, Preceding Year=100)
项   目 Item 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月
新建住宅销售价格指数 Newly Built Residential Buildings            
 新建商品住宅   Newly Built Commodity Residential Buildings 105.9 106.9 108.6 109.9 111.2 111.6
  90平方米及以下    90 square meters and below 107.3 108.6 110.6 111.3 112.0 111.8
  90-144平方米    90 - 144 square meters  105.7 106.5 108.1 110.0 111.3 111.7
  144平方米以上    144 square meters and above 105.0 106.3 107.9 107.9 109.9 110.9
二手住宅销售价格指数 Second-hand Residential Buildings 108.7 109.8 111.5 112.9 113.5 113.2
  90平方米及以下    90 square meters and below 108.4 110.0 111.6 112.7 113.1 112.7
  90-144平方米    90 - 144 square meters  109.6 110.2 112.0 113.6 114.2 113.8
  144平方米以上    144 square meters and above 107.2 108.3 109.8 111.5 112.7 113.1
Note: After 2018, the National Bureau of Statistics did not publish the sales price index of newly built residential buildings.

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