7-2 城市居民消费价格分类指数(上年=100)
Urban Residents Consumer Price Indices by Category (Preceding Year=100)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
居民消费价格总指数 Consumer Price Index 102.6 101.1
 消费品价格指数  Consumer Goods Price Index 104.4 101.0
 服务价格指数  Service Price Index 99.8 101.3
一、食品烟酒 I. FoodTobacoo and Liquor 109.9 99.9
# 食 品  Food 113.2 98.4
 # 粮 食   Grain 101.8 103.4
  食用油   Cooking Oil 101.4 107.0
  # 鲜 菜    Fresh Vegetables 103.5 102.0
  畜肉类   Meat Products 147.0 82.5
  禽肉类   Poultry Products 108.9 99.0
  水产品   Aquatic Products 102.6 107.3
  蛋 类   Eggs 98.0 105.2
 烟 酒  Tobacoo and Liquors  104.6 103.4
二、衣 着 II. Clothing 97.9 101.1
三、居 住 III.Residence 99.4 101.7
四、生活用品及服务 IV. Household Articles and Services 99.1 100.1
# 家用器具   Household Appliances 95.2 99.8
五、交通和通信 V. Transportation and Communication 95.4 104.0
六、教育文化和娱乐 VI.Education, Culture and Recreation 100.9 101.7
七、医疗保健 VII. Health Care 100.9 100.4
# 医疗服务  Health Care Services 100.0 100.0
八、其他用品和服务 VIII.Other Articles and Services 102.6 97.1

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