5-10 续表 continued
项    目   Item   2020 2021
生态环境              Ecological Environment                           
 人均耕地面积      (亩/人)    Per Capita Area of Cultivated land             (mu)   0.04  
 累计水土流失治理面积 (千公顷)    Accumulated Area of Soil Erosion Control          (1000 hectares)   21.83 23.44
 自然保护区数       (个)    Number of Natural Reserves                (unit)   6 6
 自然保护区面积    (万公顷)    Area of Natural Reserves            (1000 hectares)   0.97 0.97
自然灾害              Natural Disasters           
 地质灾害次数       (次)    Geological Disasters                       (unit)   147 8
 地质灾害直接经济损失  (万元)    Direct Economic Losses                    (unit)   349 11
 森林火灾次数       (次)    Forest Fires                              (unit)   31 27
城市环境              City Environment          
 城区面积      (平方公里)    Urban Area                             (sq.km)   2256.42 2256.42
 城市建设用地面积  (平方公里)    Urban Construction Area                  (sq.km)   929.45  
 城市供水总量    (亿立方米)    Urban Water Supply                 (10000 cu.m)   25.39 27.37
 生活用水量               Consumption                                17.10 17.95
 污水处理厂集中处理率    (%)    Centralized Treatment Rate of Sewage Treatment Plant                                        (%)   97.9 98.3
 道路交通噪声昼间平均等效声级           (分贝)    Average Diurnal Equivalent Sound Level of Road Traffic Noise                         (decibels)   69.3 69.2
农村环境              Rural Environment           
 农村自来水普及率      (%)    Rural Water Supply Popularizing Rate           (%)   100.00 100.00
 农村卫生户厕普及率     (%)    Rural Sanitary Latrine per Unit Popularizing Rate  (%)   100.00 100.00
NotesI. The data of total amount of water resource in 2021 is quick report. 
    II.The indicator of urban living waste discharged adopts the domestic wastewater discharge in the statistical investigation system of discharge sources . The scope of domestic wastewater investigation covers
     the rural part, and the domestic wastewater discharge deducts the amount of reclaimed water.
    III.The volume of industrial soot and dust emission index adopts the industrial source particulate matter emission in the emission source statistical investigation system.
    IV.According to the emission source statistical investigation system, industrial emission source indicators are only the statistical data of key investigation units.
    V.According to the statistical investigation system of emission sources, there is no volume of comprehensive utilization of general industrial solid wastes, and the data calculation formula provided in the table
     is: comprehensive utilization of general industrial solid waste/(production of general industrial solid waste + including comprehensive utilization of previous years' storage) * 100%.
    VI.The per capita arable land area and urban construction land area in 2021 are temporarily missing because the national land survey has not been fully completed.

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