5-10 环境保护基本情况
Fundamental State of Environment Protection
项    目   Item   2020 2021
水环境              Water Environment        
 降水量         (毫米)    Precipitation                                  (mm)   1812.71 1392.46
 水资源总量     (亿立方米)    Total Amount of Water Resource      (100 million cu.m)   73.64 50.70
 人均水资源量   (立方米/人)    Per Capita Water Resources               (cu.m/person)   393.01 270.00
 用水总量      (亿立方米)    Water Use                         (100 million cu.m)   59.95 61.99
 # 农业用水               Agriculture                                      11.74 11.83
  工业用水                Industry                                        27.53 24.59
  生活用水                Consumption                                   19.59 24.43
  生态环境补水              Ecological Protection                             1.08 1.14
 废水排放总量      (万吨)    Total Waste Water Discharged             (10000 tons)   100596 89837
 # 工业废水排放量             Industrial Waste Water Discharged                  11731 14108
  城镇生活污水排放量          Urban Living Waste Discharged                    88761 75598
大气环境             Atomospheric Environment        
 二氧化硫平均浓度       (微克/立方米)    Average Concentration of Sulfur Dioxide               (micrograms/m3)   7 8
 二氧化氮平均浓度       (微克/立方米)    Average Concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide             (micrograms/m3)   36 34
 可吸入颗粒物平均浓度     (微克/立方米)    Average Concentration of Inhalable Particles            (micrograms/m3)   43 46
 PM2.5平均浓度  (微克/立方米)    Mean Concentration of PM2.5          (micrograms/m3)   23 24
 降水PH值               The PH Value of the Precipitation                     5.76 6.02
 酸雨频率         (%)    Frequency of Acid Rain                          (%)   10.3 0.8
 环境空气质量达标天数   (天)    Up to Standard Days of the Environment Air Quality (day)   331 323
 环境空气质量达标率    (%)    Up to Standard Rate of Air Environmental Quality     (%)   90.40 88.50
 工业废气排放总量  (亿立方米)    Volume of Industrial Waste Gas Emission               (100 million cu.m)   5609.98 6728.35
 二氧化硫排放量     (万吨)    Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Emission        (10000 tons)   0.34 0.33
  # 工业二氧化硫排放量           Industry                                        0.20 0.18
 氮氧化物排放量     (万吨)    Volume of Nitrogen Dioxide Emission       (10000 tons)   8.94 8.85
  # 工业氮氧化物排放量           Industry                                        1.06 1.22
 烟(粉)尘排放量     (万吨)    Volume of Soot and Dust Emission          (10000 tons)   1.13 0.82
  # 工业烟粉尘排放量            Volume of Industrial Soot and Dust Emission            0.61 0.47
固体废物             Solid Wastes        
 一般工业固体废物产生量       (万吨)    Volume of General Industrial Solid Wastes Produced      (10000 tons)   566.95 613.98
 一般工业固体废物综合利用量     (万吨)    Volume of Comprehensive Utilization of General Industrial Solid Wastes                           549.85 578.27
                  (10000 tons)      
 一般工业固体废物综合利用率     (%)    Comprehensive Utilization Rate of General Industrial Solid Wastes   (%)                                      96.59 94.10
 危险废物产生量     (万吨)    Volume of Hazardous Wastes Produced      (10000 tons)   60.89 62.97

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