5-9 各区用电量
Electricity Consumption by District
单位:万千瓦·时 (10000 kWh)
District 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
全市合计 Total 7793233 8235701 9024753 9369013 10055838 9967249 11197329
 荔湾区   Liwan 350260 358539 364363 358078 388623 382558 413435
 越秀区   Yuexiu 497694 509103 509859 507371 524171 493423 528430
 海珠区   Haizhu 619901 646893 675832 706620 750418 737018 740432
 天河区   Tianhe 784675 836602 872335 903317 969725 942819 1059682
 白云区   Baiyun 1106442 1160380 1239028 1318579 1431163 1380687 1541561
 黄埔区   Huangpu 1250345 1343732 1465099 1553893 1717457 1773969 1986224
 番禺区   Panyu 896855 958989 1023332 1074566 1149548 1149448 1392525
 花都区   Huadu 727365 752943 799846 819630 866778 855252 967706
 南沙区   Nansha 661311 693620 731167 769713 817212 847463 954735
 从化区   Conghua 201468 224644 235423 250110 261590 272975 323210
 增城区   Zengcheng 620243 664212 694485 674347 729256 791896 966051
NoteThe electricity consumption by distric excludes the electricity consumed by pumped storage ,and the sum of all districts is not equal to the total due to the different statistical method.

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