5-7 续表 continued
单位:万千瓦·时 (10000 kWh)
年 份 Consumption 各行业用电   生活用电
Year   Total Electricity # 工 业 Power Consumed
    Consumption of Industry Industry by Urbanites
2001 2540201 2072950 1428461 467251
2002 2849015 2373574 1607851 475441
2003 3349712 2804357 1943780 545355
2004 3846375 3228990 2239481 617385
2005 4256677 3537004 2531916 719673
2006 4694234 3898916 2740256 795318
2007 5271258 4372014 3063610 899244
2008 5459185 4472140 3098761 987045
2009 5670810 4559439 3098871 1111371
2010 6258983 5075414 3497243 1183569
2011 6635544 5349058 3614532 1286486
2012 6941253 5519444 3589545 1421809
2013 7106910 5692959 3656433 1413951
2014 7658542 6052408 3860372 1606134
2015 7793233 6179721 3937448 1613512
2016 8235701 6533151 4164565 1702550
2017 9024753 7137209 4344911 1887544
2018 9369013 7407839 4368114 1961174
2019 10055838 7987146 4537710 2068692
2020 9967249 7763662 4318717 2203587
2021 11197329 8730272 4625580 2467057
  3.2018年开始广东电网有限责任公司广州供电局统计全市用电量包含抽水蓄能用电量。 2017年同口径调整, 原口径用电总量为8695865万千瓦·时。
Notes: I. The data in this table is provided by Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd and the data includes Spontaneous electricity consumption of legal entity.
     II. Since 1987, the classification of electricity consumption in different industries has been adjusted. Before that, there was no classification of electricity consumption in different industries and in daily life. 
     III. Total Electricity Consumption includes the electricity consumption of pumped storage since 2018. The data of 2017 has been adjusted according to this new coverage. The original data is 8695865(10000kWh).

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