5-2 主要年份能源消耗基本情况
  Energy Consumption in Main Years
  能源消费总量 万元地区生产总值 万元地区生产总值 工业增加值 工业增加值
  (万吨标准煤) 能耗下降率(%) 电耗下降率(%) 能耗下降率(%) 电耗下降率(%)
年份 Total Desent rate of  Desent rate of  Desent rate Desent rate of
Year Energy Energy Consumption  Electricity Consumption  of Energy Consumption  Electricity Consumption 
  Consumption per Unit of GDP per Unit of GDP of Industrial Value-added of Industrial
  (10000 tons SCE) (%) (%)  (%) Value-added (%)
2006 4122.58 4.62 4.05 9.68 4.11
2007 4395.38 4.44 2.29 5.46 6.28
2008 4577.54 4.56 7.98 8.34 9.70
2009 4673.27 4.01 6.96 8.81 8.73
2010 4775.60 4.60 2.53 11.09 -0.28
2011 5013.40 4.91 4.74 9.98 7.48
2012 5163.45 4.94 4.59 12.13 7.12
2013 5333.57 5.14 8.21 13.24 8.74
2014 5496.46 3.52 0.77 8.46 2.15
2015 5688.89 4.52 6.13 3.53 4.66
2016 5852.60 4.96 2.36 6.56 0.42
2017 5961.97 4.81 1.32 5.78 0.34
2018 6129.55 3.24 2.27 5.62 5.10
2019 6294.20 3.86 -0.50 4.49 0.88
2020 6191.49 4.23 3.49 1.43 7.27
2021 6575.64 1.80 -3.88 6.65 1.87

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