5-1 能 源 生 产 量
Energy Production
项   目   Item   2020 2021
原油加工量          (万吨)   Crude Oil Processing                   (10000 tons)   1212.98 1171.81
汽 油            (万吨)   Gasoline                            (10000 tons)   309.22 294.05
煤 油            (万吨)   Kerosine                             (10000 tons)   145.78 148.13
柴 油            (万吨)   Diesel Oil                           (10000 tons)   370.32 282.74
燃料油            (万吨)   Fuel Oil                             (10000 tons)   23.99 58.04
液化石油气          (万吨)   Liquefied Petroleum                   (10000 tons)   50.54 51.20
发电量         (万千瓦·时)   Electricity Production                 (10000 kWh)   3610433 4110449
# 火力发电量       Thermal Power Generation                           3264301 3754197
 # 燃煤发电量         Fossil Fired Power Generation          2037473 2207461
  余热余压发电量         Waste Heat and Pressure Power Generation     7105 7645
  燃气发电量         Gas Power Generation     970041 1268269
  垃圾焚烧发电量         Waste Incineration Power Generation     234246 245348
  生物质发电量         Biomass Power Generation               15436 25474
 水力发电量       Hydroelectric Generation               250099 223872
 # 抽水蓄能发电量         Pumped Storage Power Generation         220708 204839
 太阳能发电量       Solar Power Generation                 96033 132380
热力           (百万千焦)   Heating Power                            (MkJ)   31569067 36388520
# 生物质能供热       Biomass Heating                          2338658 3705307
 化石燃料供热       Fossil Fuel Heating                         29230409 32683213
Notes: I.The energy production data in this table is of full coverage.
     II.Hydroelectric generation includes pumped storage power generation.

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