3-11 城镇集体单位在岗职工人数与工资(2021年)
Number and Wages of Fully Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Collective-owned Units (2021)
    单位数 在岗职工年末人数 在岗职工年平均人数 在岗职工工资总额 在岗职工年平均工资
    (个) (人) (人) (万元) (元)
    Number Number of Fully Average Number of Total Wages of Average Wages of
项    目 Item of Units Employed Staff and Fully Employed Fully Employed Fully Employed
    (unit) Workers in Urban Staff and Workers Staff and Workers Staff and Workers
      Units at Year-end in Urban Units in Urban Units in Urban Units
      (person) (person) (10000 yuan) (yuan)
总 计 Total 1121 51531 51006 462617 90699
按国民经济行业分组 Grouped by Economic Sector          
 农、林、牧、渔业  Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 4 208 206 1040 50520
 采矿业  Mining          
 制造业  Manufacturing 54 7444 7376 56877 77110
 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业  Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat,Gas and Water 28 468 480 4249 88562
 建筑业  Construction 17 1851 1860 15544 83570
 批发和零售业  Wholesale and Retail Trade 52 1161 1147 9881 86179
 交通运输、仓储和邮政业  Transport, Storage and Post 8 1072 1086 7113 65437
 住宿和餐饮业  Hotels and Catering Services 17 519 591 3698 62615
 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业  Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology 3 224 217 2848 130988
 金融业  Financial Intermediation          
 房地产业  Real Estate 302 10497 10252 74430 72603
 租赁和商务服务业  Leasing and Business Services 293 11313 11262 93544 83059
 科学研究和技术服务业  Scientific Research and Technical Services 17 365 357 3786 105927
 水利、环境和公共设施管理业  Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities 22 1890 1845 14068 76243
 居民服务、修理和其他服务业  Service to Households, Repair and Other Services 27 375 373 2271 60860
 教 育  Education 228 10644 10516 116444 110726
 卫生和社会工作  Health and Social Service 37 3246 3179 54331 170921
 文化、体育和娱乐业  Culture, Sports and Entertainment 8 57 61 461 75633
 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织  Public Management, Social Security and Social Organizations 4 197 198 2032 102452

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