3-8 城镇非私营单位从业人数与工资(2021年)
Number and Wages of Employed Persons in Urban Non-private Units (2021)
项    目   Item   2020 2021
城镇非私营单位从业人员年末人数         (人)   Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end                           (person)   4193638 4269383
 国有单位              State-owned Units                            926533 935569
 集体单位              Urban Collective Owned Units                    58896 56078
 其他单位              Units of Other Types of Ownership                3208209 3277736
城镇非私营单位从业人员年平均人数        (人)   Average Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units                         (person)   4165835 4283716
 国有单位              State-owned Units                            920233 929925
 集体单位              Urban Collective Owned Units                    59497 54601
 其他单位              Units of Other Types of Ownership                3186105 3299190
城镇非私营单位从业人员工资总额         (万元)   Total Wages of Employed Persons in Urban Units                    (10000 yuan)   54201656 59887030
 国有单位              State-owned Units                            17423660 18410046
 集体单位              Urban Collective Owned Units                    484564 483070
 其他单位              Units of Other Types of Ownership                36293432 40993914
城镇非私营单位从业人员年平均工资  (元)   Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units                          (yuan)   130110 139802
 国有单位              State-owned Units                            189340 197973
 集体单位              Urban Collective Owned Units                    81443 88473
 其他单位              Units of Other Types of Ownership                113912 124254

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