3-3 主要年份三次产业从业人员及构成
Employed Persons and Composition by Three strata of Industry in Main Years
  从业人员       构成 (%)
年 份 (人)       Composition (%)
  Employed 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业
Year Persons Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
  (person) Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry
1978 2668989 1165987 857527 645475 43.69 32.13 24.18
1980 2750467 1106432 922756 721279 40.23 33.55 26.22
1985 3134739 979869 1180526 974344 31.26 37.66 31.08
1990 3411513 963548 1241813 1206152 28.24 36.4 35.36
1995 4077775 924969 1583686 1569120 22.68 38.84 38.48
2000 4962579 956596 1982905 2023078 19.27 39.96 40.77
2001 5029338 969793 1960309 2099236 19.28 38.98 41.74
2002 5070216 949624 1953095 2167497 18.73 38.52 42.75
2003 5210706 958819 2001677 2250210 18.4 38.42 43.18
2004 5407087 901318 2046552 2459217 16.67 37.85 45.48
2005 5744550 869141 2222177 2653232 15.13 38.68 46.19
2006 5994973 831303 2335315 2828355 13.87 38.95 47.18
2007 6236312 774596 2477232 2984484 12.42 39.72 47.86
2008 6529045 730174 2625645 3173226 11.18 40.22 48.6
2009 6791495 733557 2733281 3324657 10.8 40.25 48.95
2010 7329300 609800 2818100 3901400 8.32 38.45 53.23
2011 7644800 725500 2616200 4303100 9.49 34.22 56.29
2012 7945700 654400 2702800 4588500 8.24 34.02 57.75
2013 8251000 654800 2506000 5090200 7.94 30.37 61.69
2014 8749600 636100 2654700 5458800 7.27 30.34 62.39
2015 9279100 637200 2635700 6006200 6.87 28.4 64.73
2016 9800400 630900 2676800 6492700 6.44 27.31 66.25
2017 10371700 630000 2573100 7168600 6.07 24.81 69.12
2018 11023600 612600 2636100 7774900 5.56 23.91 70.53
2019 11258900 631700 2558100 8069100 5.61 22.72 71.67
2020 11580100 593000 2597700 8389400 5.12 22.43 72.45
2021 11634400 582200 2637800 8414400 5.01 22.67 72.32
Note: The data from year 2010 to 2020 are revised according to the seventh National Population Census.

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