3-1 社会就业情况主要指标
Main Indicators of Social Employment Situation
项   目   Item   2021 2021年比2020年
    Growth Rate in 2021 over
全社会从业人员          (人)    Total Number of Employed Persons at Year-end            (person)   11634400 0.5
 第一产业                Primary Industry                                           582200 -1.8
 第二产业                Secondary Industry                                         2637800 1.5
 第三产业                Tertiary Industry                                           8414400 0.3
城镇非私营单位从业人员      (人)   Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end    (person)   4269383 1.8
 国有单位                State-owned Units                                          935569 1.0
 集体单位                Urban Collective-owned Units                                56078 -4.8
 其他单位                Units of Other Types of Ownership                            3277736 2.2
私营、个体和其他从业人员     (人)   Employed Persons in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at    7365017 -0.3
                     Year-end                               (person)      
城镇非私营单位从业人员工资总额 (万元)   Total Wages of Employed Persons in Urban Units       (10000 yuan)   59887030 10.5
 国有单位                State-owned Units                                          18410046 5.7
 集体单位                Urban Collective-owned Units                                483070 -0.3
 其他单位                Units of Other Types of Ownership                            40993914 13.0
城镇非私营单位从业人员年平均工资 (元)   Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units          (yuan)   139802 7.4
 国有单位                State-owned Units                                          197973 4.6
 集体单位                Urban Collective-owned Units                                88473 8.6
 其他单位                Units of Other Types of Ownership                            124254 9.1
城镇非私营单位在岗职工年平均工资 (元)   Average Wage of Fully Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Units                                               (yuan)   144288 6.8
 国有单位                State-owned Units                                          201205 4.4
 集体单位                Urban Collective-owned Units                                90699 7.6
 其他单位                Units of Other Types of Ownership                            128438 8.5
Note: Employed persons in private enterprises and self-employed individuals are refer to employed persons other than employed persons in urban units.

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