1-34 技术市场交易情况
Statistics on Transactions in Technological Market
项  目 Item 2020 2021
合同数(项) 金额(万元) 合同数(项) 金额(万元)
Numbers of Value Numbers of Value
Contracts (unit) (10000 yuan) Contracts (unit) (10000 yuan)
买方市场 Buyers' Market  22849 22565292 25418 24131139
 机关法人   Official Organ as Juridical Person 4079 2525069 2956 1631529
 事业法人   Institution as Juridical Person 2697 1769069 3324 1588907
 社团法人   Mass Organization as Juridical Person 91 4421 102 4183
 企业法人   Corporate as Juridical Person  15556 18210283 18730 20853636
 自然人   Natural Person 159 22009 96 8259
 其他组织   Others 267 34440 210 44625
卖方市场 Sellers' Market 22849 22565292 25418 24131139
 机关法人   Official Organ as Juridical Person 1 540 2 400
 事业法人   Institution as Juridical Person 8422 1914763 10285 630633
 社团法人   Mass Organization as Juridical Person 220 86479 167 6352
 企业法人   Corporate as Juridical Person  14182 20559304 14911 23465986
 自然人   Natural Person 20 3752 40 6284
 其他组织   Others 4 454 13 21484
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau.

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