1-32 全市房地产市场交易情况
Transactions in Total Real Estate Market
项   目   Item   2020 2021
新建商品房现售         Newly-constructed Commercial Buildings Sold out                 
 成交面积     (万平方米)    Transacted Floor Space                         (10000 sq.m)   424.43 434.02
 # 住 宅             Residential Buildings                                    227.26 209.11
 成交金额       (万元)    Transacted Value                             (10000 yuan)   9075255 9924891
 # 住 宅             Residential Buildings                                    5768274 5805076
 住宅成交套数      (套)    Number of Transacted Flats                            (flat)   18291 16308
新建商品房预售     Newly-constructed Commercial Buildings Sold in Advance          
 成交面积     (万平方米)    Transacted Floor Space                         (10000 sq.m)   1086.86 1169.81
 # 住 宅          Residential Buildings                                 963.64 1032.52
 成交金额       (万元)    Transacted Value                             (10000 yuan)   28720416 36722510
 # 住 宅          Residential Buildings                                 25846625 33521701
 住宅成交套数      (套)    Number of Transacted Flats                            (flat)   93177 99774
存量房买卖     Sales of Buildings in Stock           
 成交面积     (万平方米)    Transacted Floor Space                         (10000 sq.m)   1167.24 1175.85
 # 住 宅             Residential Buildings                                    992.51 1072.73
 成交金额       (万元)    Transacted Value                             (10000 yuan)   24952807 27631747
 # 住 宅             Residential Buildings                                    23119460 26255530
 住宅成交套数      (套)    Number of Transacted Flats                            (flat)   109909 114379
Notes: I. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee.
     II.The  Data of  Newly-constructed  Commercial  Buildings  Sold  out  and  Newly-constructed  Commercial  Buildings Sold  in  Advance are Net Registered Data.The Data of Buildings in Stock are Transaction 
       Registered Data.
     III.The statistical scale of this table is the total city scale.

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