1-31 全市国有土地使用权出让、划拨情况
Total City Lease and Administrative Allocation of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land 
项   目   Item   2020 2021
国有土地使用权出让       Lease of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land             
 出让小计             Lease Sub-total           
  出让地块        (宗)     Number of Plots                                    (piece)   334 330
  出让面积       (公顷)     Areas                                           (hectare)   1659 1533
  成交价款       (万元)     Value of Transactions                          (10000 yuan)   25690714 26334460
  # 公开出让             Lease by Public          
   出让地块       (宗)      Number of Plots                                   (piece)   284 284
   出让面积      (公顷)      Areas                                          (hectare)   1526.98 1443
   成交价款      (万元)      Value of Transactions                         (10000 yuan)   25152971 25810101
国有土地使用权划拨       Allocation of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land           
 划拨地块         (宗)     Number of Plots                                    (piece)   252 214
 划拨面积        (公顷)     Areas                                           (hectare)   1363.84 1922
注:1. 本表数据由广州市规划和自然资源局提供。
  2. 本表数据已剔除被解除合同数据。
  3. 本表统计范围为全市口径。
Notes: I. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau.
     II. The data in this table have excluded the part of terminated contracts.
     III. The statistical scale of this table is the total city scale.

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