1-28 个体工商户情况
Basic Statistics on Individual Business 
  期末户数 从业人数
年 份 (户) (人)
Year Number of Year-end Enterprises Number of Employees
  (unit) (person)
2000 226016 380941
2001 250672 427923
2002 245505 415817
2003 230229 360809
2004 244756 375349
2005 285557 446874
2006 308655 492191
2007 417392 633234
2008 469128 710642
2009 552031 858694
2010 596854 953510
2011 661026 1031588
2012 675449 1055281
2013 716711 1127338
2014 739923 1169148
2015 799583 1256776
2016 862631 1357477
2017 933528 1480664
2018 1006472 1597471
2019 1050639 1668684
2020 1110745 1761629
2021 1223403 1896903
Note: Data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration.

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