1-27 私营企业基本情况(2021年末,按地区分)
Basic Statistics on Private Enterprises (Year-end of 2021, by Region)
地  区 District 年末户数 年末投资者人数
(户) (人)
Number of Enterprises Number of Investors at
at Year-end (unit) Year-end (person)
合  计   Total 1657746 2802552
# 荔湾区局  Liwan District Bureau 51509 84502
 越秀区局  Yuexiu District Bureau 124600 205973
 海珠区局  Haizhu District Bureau 89131 154502
 天河区局  Tianhe District Bureau 446685 774489
 白云区局  Baiyun District Bureau 264197 431363
 黄埔区局  Huangpu District Bureau 147939 249569
 番禺区局  Panyu District Bureau 144292 248967
 花都区局  Huadu District Bureau 65883 107093
 南沙区局  Nansha District Bureau 197412 326745
 从化区局  Conghua District Bureau 14325 24461
 增城区局  Zengcheng District Bureau 82303 134032
Note: Data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration according to the registered area.

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