1-25 广州高新技术产业开发区国民经济主要指标
Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangzhou Hi-tech Development Zone
项    目   Item   2020 2021
营业总收入       (万元)   Revenue                                    (10000 yuan)   128312182 146443209
工业总产值       (万元)   Gross Industrial Output Value                   (10000 yuan)   76917797 82047112
高新区企业数       (个)   Number of Enterprises in Development Zone             (unit)   154952 169357
认定高新技术企业数    (个)   Number of Enterprises Certified                        (unit)   3544 3603
当年新注册港澳台企业数  (个)   Number of Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan                                          (unit)   104 9
职工人数         (人)   Number of Staff and Workers                       (person)   882279 917303
利润总额        (万元)   Total Profits                                 (10000 yuan)   12094085 12595624
合同利用外资     (万美元)   Foreign Capital to be Utilized in the Signed Agreements and Contracts                                  (USD 10000)   444276 562455
外商直接投资实际使用外资金额          (万美元)   Foreign Capital Actually Utilized                (USD 10000)   254678 264616

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