1-23 广州开发区国民经济主要指标
Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangzhou Development Zone
项   目   Item   2020 2021
年末社会从业人员(规模以上)        (人)   Year-end Employed Persons                        (person)   588016 653043
# 工业从业人员      Employed Persons in Industry                             312162 319219
地区生产总值          (万元)   Gross Domestic Product                        (10000 yuan)   31014284 35053303
 第一产业                 Primary Industry                                       26691 34321
 第二产业                 Secondary Industry                                     17653308 20436589
 第三产业                 Tertiary Industry                                       13334285 14582393
地区生产总值中:             In Gross Domestic Product         
 工 业                  Industry                                             17195750 19842766
 建筑业                  Construction                                         519077 661154
固定资产投资额         (万元)   Investment in Fixed Assets                     (10000 yuan)   14132351 15480021
# 基础(公共)设施                Infrastructure                                          3880609 3375247
 工业项目                 Industry                                              3760152 4282268
利润总额            (万元)   Total Profits                                 (10000 yuan)   10449291 7986372
# 工业利润(规模以上)      Industrial Profit                                              6324106 5503846
地方可支配财力         (万元)   Local Disposable Financial Resources             (10000 yuan)   6511545 7223038
地方财政支出          (万元)   Local Government Financial Expenditure          (10000 yuan)   5780517 6677765
工业总产值           (万元)   Gross Industrial Output Value                   (10000 yuan)   59918519 66083656
# 港澳台企业产值                Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan      8908332 9785365
工业销售产值          (万元)   Output Value of Industrial Products Sold          (10000 yuan)   59587345 65145788
商品销售总额          (万元)   Total Sales of Industrial Products                (10000 yuan)   91536382 103758687
外贸出口总值         (万美元)   Total Exports                                (USD 10000)   1982342 2198298
外贸进口总值         (万美元)   Total Imports                                (USD 10000)   2053232 2079305
利用外资项目(合同)数       (个)   Number of Projects (Contracts) for Utilization of Foreign Capital  (unit)   189 246
合同利用外资金额       (万美元)   Contracted Value of Foreign Capital to be Utilized  (USD 10000)   444276 562455
外商直接投资实际使用外资金额 (万美元)   Total Amount of Foreign Capital Actually Used     (USD 10000)   254678 264616
NotesI. The indicators include Guangzhou economic and technological development zone, Guangzhou bonded zone and Guangzhou exportance manu-facturing district.
    II. The tax,local disposable financial resources and government financial expenditure indicators in 2018 are the caliber data of Huangpu District.

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