1-22 各区国民经济主要指标(2021年)
Main Indicators of National Economic by District (2021)
项     目   Item   荔 湾 区 越 秀 区 海 珠 区 天 河 区 白 云 区 黄 埔 区 番 禺 区 花 都 区 南 沙 区 从 化 区 增 城 区
    Liwan Yuexiu Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
土地面积          (平方公里)   Total Land Area                                              (sq.km)   59.10 33.80 90.40 96.33 795.79 484.17 529.94 970.04 783.86 1974.50 1616.47
年末户籍人口           (人)   Year-end Population by household registered                       (person)   782987 1174510 1095181 1049297 1162034 636641 1128188 863609 517503 655388 1049968
街道办事处            (个)   Street Communities                                             (unit)   22 18 18 21 20 16 11 4 3 3 6
镇                (个)   Towns                                                       (unit)           4 1 5 6 6 5 7
社区居委会            (个)   Community Committees                                         (unit)   191 222 265 230 284 130 98 70 37 56 78
村民委员会            (个)   Village Committees                                             (unit)           118 28 177 188 128 221 285
地区生产总值          (万元)   Gross Domestic Product                                   (10000 yuan)   12097881 36294751 24051565 60121978 25510032 41583708 26539110 18004093 21316116 4133855 12666593
 第一产业           (万元)    Primary Industry                                        (10000 yuan)   50948   13653 19971 340251 47021 418504 496340 699579 325326 652497
 第二产业           (万元)    Secondary Industry                                      (10000 yuan)   3304912 1479221 4236766 4478073 5924358 24681647 9644299 8016733 8859563 1359240 5241855
 第三产业           (万元)    Tertiary Industry                                        (10000 yuan)   8742021 34815530 19801146 55623934 19245423 16855040 16476307 9491020 11756974 2449289 6772241
地区生产总值中:工业      (万元)   Industry In Gross Domestic Product                          (10000 yuan)   2910361 352023 2428532 3426545 4414063 24017969 8263173 7852827 7830216 1208433 4462990
年末全社会从业人员        (人)   Total Number of Employed Persons at Year-end                    (person)   468638 1062516 1055190 2256015 1718912 1089688 1318948 800199 676088 385054 803152
固定资产投资额(按项目所在地分) (万元)   Investment in Fixed Assets (by Region of Item)                (10000 yuan)   4734714 982812 4163009 5784707 11882255 18694955 8692180 5979970 11275594 2167339 10669917
# 建筑和安装工程        (万元)    Construction and Erection Engineering                      (10000 yuan)   1708295 608738 2159136 2178403 4984289 8357200 4003387 3174466 6163169 1231730 5346476
新增固定资产(按项目所在地分)  (万元)   Newly-increased Investment in Fixed Assets by Region of Item)  (10000 yuan)   427128 434018 1054576 1369452 1720826 5115603 1533746 1998178 3572800 377575 1751059
一般公共预算收入        (万元)   General Budgetary Revenue                                (10000 yuan)   531355 540459 557848 777556 694159 2068206 1076711 862669 1082013 317736 1138531
一般公共预算支出        (万元)   General Budgetary Expenditure                             (10000 yuan)   1052182 1320258 1323801 1605605 1923530 3579234 1953780 1709560 2713795 914845 1762934
农林牧渔业总产值        (万元)   Gross Output Value of Agriculture                           (10000 yuan)   79303   20824 96907 639388 84914 673501 869677 1226562 592087 1142342
社会消费品零售总额       (万元)   Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods                        (10000 yuan)   6440088 12533262 9742966 20506402 10763994 12618338 12710626 7138354 2657093 1668257 4446224
实际使用外商直接投资金额    (万元)   Foreign Direct Capital Actually Utilized                      (10000 yuan)   129836 140143 388466 834575 113928 1747426 467835 157753 1000583 12741 306378
普通中学学校数          (所)   Number of Regular Secondary Schools                              (unit)   40 34 38 51 69 40 75 82 32 26 64
普通中学在校学生数        (人)   Number of Students Enrolled in Regular Secondary Schools           (person)   44037 63916 46645 53822 65726 37428 79430 59449 28394 34206 56536
小学学校数            (所)   Number of Primary Schools                                      (unit)   52 46 82 76 175 62 141 104 61 67 120
小学在校学生数          (人)   Number of Students Enrolled in Primary Schools                    (person)   69297 72202 91898 119001 170535 79866 165472 145917 58734 64797 126684
幼儿园数             (所)   Number of Kindergartens                                        (unit)   120 123 149 211 415 124 354 168 135 112 244
幼儿园在园人数          (人)   Number of Children Enrolled                                   (person)   31930 33963 48397 57319 114390 44328 97873 53583 38913 32566 79941
各类卫生机构数          (个)   Number of Health Institutions                                     (unit)   257 406 388 909 912 418 575 619 267 382 681
# 医 院                   Hospitals                                                         28 34 19 54 57 24 24 14 14 8 15
各类卫生机构床位数        (张)   Number of Beds                                                (unit)   7216 26209 11717 13890 22538 4362 6619 4491 1518 2614 5339
# 医 院                   Hospitals                                                         7013 24309 11067 13466 21426 3442 5819 3411 1348 1761 4055
卫生技术人员           (人)   Medical Technical Personnel                                   (person)   11662 49559 19829 29580 27149 8345 13608 10165 3285 4447 10074
# 执业(助理)医师                Licensed (Assistant) Doctors                                         4394 15940 6716 10865 9222 2930 5461 3874 1351 1641 3810

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