1-16 地区生产总值使用表
Utilization Balance Sheet of Gross Domestic Product
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2019 2020 Growth Rate in
        2020 over 2019
支出法地区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach 238446940 250687492 2.7
 最终消费支出  Final Consumption Expenditure 115973603 118272732 0.4
  居民消费支出   Household Consumption Expenditure 84748086 84380579 -0.7
   农村居民    Rural Households 8193215 8043385 -2.1
   城镇居民    Urban Households 76554871 76337194 -0.5
  政府消费支出   Government Consumption Expenditure 31225517 33892154 5.5
 资本形成总额  Gross Capital Formation 87760491 94204120 4.8
  固定资本形成总额   Gross Fixed Capital Formation 81906736 88261153 5.1
  存货增加   Changes in Inventories 5853755 5942966 1.4
 货物和服务净流出  Net Exports of Goods and Services 34712846 38210640 3.6
Note: The level data in this table are calculated at current prices while the growth rates at comparable prices.

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