1-12 主要年份地区生产总值指数(上年=100)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years (Preceding Year=100)
  地区生产           人均地区
年 份 总  值 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 地区生产总值中: 生产总值
  Gross Primary Secondary Tertiary In Gross Domestic Product Per
Year Domestic Industry Industry Industry 工 业 建筑业 Capita
  Product       Industry Construction GDP
1978 110.3 100.1 108.5 117.6 108.7 105.0 108.8
1980 115.4 114.6 119.0 110.3 117.4 154.8 113.2
1985 118.3 107.4 124.3 111.7 123.1 135.7 116.3
1986 105.7 100.5 101.3 114.1 101.3 101.3 103.7
1987 115.2 99.0 108.2 128.9 108.6 104.5 113.2
1988 117.8 104.6 126.3 109.0 125.1 137.2 115.6
1989 104.7 100.7 100.6 111.4 101.0 96.9 102.9
1990 111.3 103.7 107.8 116.9 109.6 92.1 109.7
1991 116.3 109.1 127.2 108.0 128.6 118.2 114.6
1992 123.3 120.4 128.1 118.8 128.7 123.3 117.9
1993 126.4 102.1 133.6 122.4 132.1 144.0 120.9
1994 118.8 112.6 123.2 114.5 121.0 137.3 113.6
1995 116.5 104.1 117.1 117.5 118.8 107.0 111.4
1996 112.5 105.3 113.5 112.1 115.7 99.5 107.6
1997 113.5 105.5 113.0 115.0 114.8 99.7 108.5
1998 113.2 104.0 112.7 114.7 113.0 110.2 108.2
1999 113.3 110.4 115.7 110.6 115.4 118.2 108.3
2000 113.4 101.7 111.9 116.3 112.5 106.7 108.4
2001 112.8 102.2 111.0 114.9 111.2 109.5 110.2
2002 113.3 109.8 112.5 114.1 113.9 103.9 113.9
2003 115.2 104.5 121.4 111.3 124.3 101.6 116.6
2004 115.1 105.4 117.2 113.9 118.6 105.7 116.2
2005 113.0 105.6 113.0 113.3 113.8 105.6 114.3
2006 115.0 95.7 116.6 114.7 117.9 104.4 113.2
2007 115.5 102.8 114.2 116.9 115.5 100.6 109.7
2008 112.6 95.2 111.1 114.3 112.0 102.6 106.5
2009 111.7 104.0 109.6 113.3 109.5 111.6 105.2
2010 113.0 103.1 113.0 113.2 112.5 119.0 105.8
2011 111.4 103.0 111.9 111.2 111.8 114.1 104.6
2012 110.4 103.3 108.4 111.8 109.0 102.8 104.6
2013 111.5 102.9 111.2 111.9 111.9 102.3 106.7
2014 108.5 101.8 107.4 109.3 107.8 102.4 104.4
2015 108.3 102.4 106.8 109.3 107.0 104.8 104.0
2016 107.6 100.6 105.6 108.8 106.2 104.0 102.7
2017 106.7 102.2 104.6 107.9 105.2 99.2 102.0
2018 106.0 106.0 105.4 106.4 105.5 104.1 102.5
2019 106.9 104.2 105.4 107.7 104.7 113.2 104.4
2020 102.7 109.8 103.3 102.3 102.6 109.5 100.6
2021 108.1 105.5 108.5 108.0 109.1 104.2 106.7
注: 1.本表数据按可比价格计算。
Notes: I.The data in this table are calculated at comparable prices.
     II. The GDP data of 2008-2018 were revised in 2019,according to the data of the Fourth National Economic Census.
     III.The Per Capita GDP of 2011-2019 were revised in 2020, according to the data of the Seventh National Population Census.

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