1-11 主要年份地区生产总值
Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
  地区生产总值           人均地区生产 人均地区生产
年 份 Gross 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 地区生产总值中 In GDP 总值 (元) 总值(美元)
Year Domestic Primary Secondary Tertiary 工 业 建筑业 Per Capita Per Capita
  Product Industry Industry Industry Industry Construction GDP (yuan) GDP (USD)
1978 430947 50287 252479 128181 243585 8894 907  
1980 575497 62438 313734 199325 295337 18397 1160  
1985 1243623 120449 658130 465044 577048 81082 2302 784
1986 1395466 132079 701074 562313 608511 92563 2536 734
1987 1732050 156794 794127 781129 693003 101124 3092 831
1988 2400818 227772 1141606 1031440 972078 169528 4205 1130
1989 2878733 243187 1296309 1339237 1093864 202445 4953 1315
1990 3195952 257288 1362975 1575689 1180978 181997 5418 1133
1991 3866741 281734 1799166 1785841 1582970 216196 5956 1119
1992 5107027 356399 2413129 2337499 2120096 293033 7521 1364
1993 7443455 475960 3512607 3454888 3050098 462509 10481 1819
1994 9853082 606222 4556278 4690582 3870183 686095 13264 1539
1995 12603097 734606 5787475 6081016 4941140 846335 16222 1943
1996 14706621 811630 6736549 7158442 5791501 945048 18098 2179
1997 16828743 857155 7642990 8328598 6635562 1007428 19800 2389
1998 19004058 888763 8245913 9869382 7113774 1132139 21378 2582
1999 21492534 928522 9375989 11188023 8044065 1331924 23116 2792
2000 25055794 943718 10299412 13812664 8861172 1438240 25758 3112
2001 28579151 972806 11228325 16378020 9657735 1570590 28700 3468
2002 32243283 1030721 12245382 18967180 10638507 1606875 32544 3932
2003 37804451 1099080 15000699 21704672 13279574 1721125 38621 4666
2004 44773511 1171452 18054293 25547766 16111365 1942928 46182 5579
2005 51878466 1302159 20670012 29906295 18652577 2017435 54160 6612
2006 61242011 1285022 24689504 35267485 22538389 2151115 62930 7894
2007 72029498 1495247 28665860 41868391 26428369 2237491 70284 9243
2008 83660227 1548659 32750141 49361427 30240254 2565556 77165 11110
2009 91467431 1558600 34601705 55307126 31772238 2898289 79457 11629
2010 106406742 1686203 40532998 64187541 37021616 3601957 86582 12753
2011 121996914 1800454 46326780 73869680 42089867 4407184 93224 14355
2012 131946870 1854415 47731922 82360533 43383733 4617236 95550 15137
2013 150504031 1961339 53184480 95358212 48209169 5170729 104235 16775
2014 161359536 2008134 56478499 102872903 51217728 5385230 107528 17505
2015 173473724 2065218 57771661 113636845 52329802 5576564 111060 17806
2016 185597316 2160317 58134525 125302474 52701453 5763975 113400 17084
2017 198716679 2204517 59006069 137506093 53407784 5978984 116051 17188
2018 210024435 2291770 61099495 146633170 54874446 6620846 118511 17909
2019 238446940 2471259 65094019 170881662 57142388 8380344 131400 19048
2020 250687492 2862681 67161603 180663209 58405228 9173161 135315 19618
2021 282319682 3064090 77226667 202028925 67167132 10453176 150366 23307
NotesI. The data in this table are calculated at current prices.
    II.Since 1991, the Per Capita GDP have been calculated by resident population
    III. The Per Capita GDP (USD) were calculated at current annual average exchange rate.
    IV. The GDP data of 2008-2018 were revised in 2019,according to the data of the Fourth National Economic Census.  
    V.The Per Capita GDP of 2011-2019 were revised in 2020, according to the data of the Seventh National Population Census.

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