1-9 全市产业及主要结构情况
Basic Statistics on Industries and Main Structure of Guangzhou 
项   目   Item   2020 2021
地区生产总值        (亿元)   Gross Domestic Product                            (100 million yuan)   25068.75 28231.97
# 服务业增加值             Service Industry Added Value                                       18066.32 20202.89
现代服务业增加值      (亿元)   Modern Service Added Value                       (100 million yuan)   12147.86 13636.85
规模以上工业增加值     (亿元)   Added Value of Industry above Designated Size         (100 million yuan)   4544.60 4963.72
先进制造业增加值      (亿元)   Added Value of Advanced Manufacturing Industry      (100 million yuan)   2644.06 2967.37
高技术制造业增加值     (亿元)   Added Value of High-technology Industry              (100 million yuan)   715.41 884.90
民营经济增加值       (亿元)   Added Value of Private Economy                    (100 million yuan)   10153.38 11492.50
规模以上民营工业增加值   (亿元)   Added Value of Private Industry above Designated Size   (100 million yuan)   1418.63 1253.48
固定资产投资        (亿元)   Total Investment in Fixed Assets                     (100 million yuan)   7611.10 8502.75
民间投资          (亿元)   Private Investment in Fixed Assets                    (100 million yuan)   3068.26 3662.93
出口            (亿元)   Exports                                         (100 million yuan)   5423.35 6311.26
现代服务业增加值占服务业增加值比重  (%)   Modern Service Added Value Accounts for Service Industry Added Value (%)   67.24 67.50
先进制造业增加值占规模以上工业增加     Added Value of Advanced Manufacturing Industry Accounts for Added       58.18 59.78
 值的比重         (%)    Value of Industry above Designated Size                          (%)      
高技术制造业增加值占规模以上工业增    Added Value of High-technology Industry Accounts for Added Value of       15.74 17.83
 加值的比重        (%)    Industry above Designated Size                                  (%)      
民营经济增加值占GDP比重    (%)   Added Value of Private Economy Accounts for Gross Domestic Product  (%)   40.50 40.71
规模以上民营工业增加值占规模以上工     Added Value of Private Industry above Designated Size Accounts for Added      31.22 25.25
 业增加值比重       (%)    Value of Industry above Designated Size                          (%)      
民间投资占固定资产投资比重   (%)   Private Investment in Fixed Assets Accounts for Total Investment in Fixed Assets      (%)   40.31 43.08
工业品内销占工业销售产值的比重    (%)   Domestic Sales of Industrial Products Accounts for Sales Value of Industry (%)   86.88 86.61
私营企业出口占全市出口的比重  (%)   Private Sector Exports Accounts for Total Exports                    (%)   59.65 60.96
一般贸易出口占全市出口的比重  (%)   General Trade Exports Accounts for Total Exports                   (%)   43.37 50.05
加工贸易出口占全市出口的比重  (%)   Processing Trade Exports Accounts for Total Exports                 (%)   21.33 21.19

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