1-7 续表 continued
指   标     Item     1978 2000 2005 2010       速度指标(%) Indices and Growth Rates (%)
              指数(2021为以下各年) 平均增长速度
        2015 2020 2021 Index(2021 as percentage of the following years) Average Annual Growth Rate
              1978 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1979− 2001− 2006− 2011−
              2021 2021 2021 2021
运输邮电            Transport, Post and Telecommunication                                       
 货运量        (万吨)    Total Freight Traffic                         (10000 tons)     27972 38153 57369 100124 92458 98175   539.2 395.0 262.9 150.5 106.2   8.4 9.0 9.2
 # 铁 路               Railway         5398 6379 6689 4811 1793 2292   119.4 101.1 96.5 134.0 127.8   0.8 0.1 -0.3
  公 路               Highway            12549 20601 39696 71284 46966 53204   825.6 502.6 261.0 145.3 113.3   10.6 10.6 9.1
  水 路               Waterway            9569 10710 10169 23007 42238 40765   425.5 380.6 400.9 177.1 96.5   7.1 8.7 13.5
  民 航               Civil Aviation          27 63 90 116 117 119   440.1 188.7 132.0 102.4 101.7   7.3 4.0 2.6
 客运量       (万人次)    Total Passenger Traffic                (10000 person-times)     26097 40524 62595 106082 32702 21733   224.8 144.8 93.8 55.3 66.5   3.9 2.3 -0.6
 # 铁 路               Railway          4848 6356 9362 13647 8686 9175   252.4 192.6 130.8 89.7 105.6   4.5 4.2 2.5
  公 路               Highway          19964 30782 47296 85109 18054 6531   125.6 81.5 53.0 29.4 36.2   1.1 -1.3 -5.6
  水 路               Waterway        190 104 273 281 6 200   578.5 1056.7 402.8 391.1 3333.3   8.7 15.9 13.5
  民 航               Civil Aviation        1095 3282 5664 7045 5956 5827   532.3 177.6 102.9 82.7 97.9   8.3 3.7 0.3
 港口货物吞吐量    (万吨)    Volume of Freight Handled at Ports             (10000 tons)   1950 12455 27283 42526 52096 63643 65130 3678.7 576.0 262.9 168.7 137.7 102.3 8.7 8.7 6.2 4.9
 邮电业务收入     (亿元)    Postal and Telecommunication Services     (100 million yuan)   0.24 138.48 222.06 290.09 540.01 1114.44 1222.52 512401.3 888.1 553.7 423.9 227.8 109.7 22.0 11.0 11.3 14.0
对外贸易、外经         Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation                                                  
 商品进口总值    (亿美元)    Total Imports through Customs            (USD 100 million)     115.60 268.07 553.89 527.01 593.94 698.33   603.6 260.1 125.9 132.1 117.4   8.9 6.2 2.1
 商品出口总值    (亿美元)    Total Exports through Customs            (USD 100 million)     117.91 266.68 483.79 811.67 782.18 976.19   826.6 365.2 201.4 120.1 124.8   10.6 8.4 6.6
财 政             Government Finance                                         
 一般公共预算收入   (亿元)    General Budgetary Revenue              (100 million yuan)   13.65 200.55 371.26 872.65 1349.47 1722.79 1884.26 13804.1 939.6 507.5 215.9 139.6 109.4 12.1 11.3 10.7 7.2
 一般公共预算支出   (亿元)    General Budgetary Expenditure           (100 million yuan)   3.87 240.72 438.41 977.32 1727.72 2952.65 3021.18 78066.7 1255.1 689.1 309.1 174.9 102.3 16.8 12.8 12.8 10.8
价格指数     (上年=100)   Price Indices                       (preceding year =100)                                    
 城市居民消费价格总指数      Urban Residents Consumer Price Index                    100.3 102.8 101.5 103.2 101.7 102.6 101.7 102.6 101.1 1070.9 149.9 150.3 133.2 115.0 101.1 5.7 1.9
人民生活            People's Livelihood                                        
 城镇非私营单位从业人员年     Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units     (yuan)     19714 34171 54091 79534 130110 139802   709.2 409.1 258.5 175.8 107.4   9.8 9.2 9.0
  平均工资       (元)                                          
 城镇非私营单位在岗职工年     Average Wage of Fully Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Units (yuan)   714 19091 33853 54495 81171 135138 144288 20208.4 755.8 426.2 264.8 177.8 106.8 13.1 10.1 9.5 9.3
  平均工资       (元)                                          
 城镇居民年人均可支配收入  (元)    Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban Households    (yuan)   442 13967 18287 30658 46735 68304 74416 21291.9 674.3 447.4 266.9 159.3 108.9 13.3 9.5 9.8 9.3
 农村居民年人均可支配收入  (元)    Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Rural Households    (yuan)   250 6086 7080 12676 19323 31266 34533 19113.3 786.4 574.6 321.1 178.6 110.4 13.0 10.3 11.5 11.2
教育文化            Education and Culture                                       
 普通高等学校所数    (所)    Number of Regular Institutions of Higher Education     (unit)   15 31 59 77 81 82 83 553.3 267.7 140.7 107.8 102.5 101.2 4.1 4.8 2.2 0.7
 普通高等学校在校学生数   (万人)    Number of Students Enrollment of Regular Institutions of Higher Education                         2.17 18.51 55.43 84.39 104.32 130.71 141.26 6509.7 763.2 254.8 167.4 135.4 108.1 10.2 10.2 6.0 4.8
                    (10000 persons)                                    
 普通中学所数      (所)    Number of Regular Secondary Schools                (unit)   234 388 448 475 510 539 551 235.5 142.0 123.0 116.0 108.0 102.2 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.4
 普通中学在校学生数  (万人)    Number of Students Enrollment of Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)   38.43 42.53 55.03 57.23 51.52 54.32 56.96 148.2 133.9 103.5 99.5 110.6 104.9 0.9 1.4 0.2 0.0
 小学学校所数      (所)    Number of Primary Schools                         (unit)   1515 1626 1283 1004 941 992 986 65.1 60.6 76.9 98.2 104.8 99.4 -1.0 -2.4 -1.6 -0.2
 小学学校在校学生数  (万人)    Number of Students Enrollment of Primary Schools          (10000 persons)   56.92 75.70 90.34 82.48 93.79 112.51 116.44 204.6 153.8 128.9 141.2 124.1 103.5 1.7 2.1 1.6 3.2
卫 生             Health Care                                        
 医院病床数      (万张)    Hospital Beds                              (10000 units)   1.44 3.37 3.94 5.32 7.33 10.16 10.65 739.6 316.0 270.3 200.2 145.3 104.8 4.8 5.6 6.4 6.5
 卫生技术人员     (万人)    Medical Technical Personnel                (10000 persons)   3.15 5.57 6.42 9.55 12.67 17.78 18.77 595.9 337.0 292.4 196.5 148.1 105.6 4.2 6.0 6.9 6.3
 # 医 生               Doctors                                            1.20 2.35 2.59 3.36 4.25 6.23 6.62 551.7 281.7 255.6 197.0 155.8 106.3 4.1 5.1 6.0 6.4
Notes: I. Since 2012,the coverage of per capita annual disposable income of urban households has been adjusted,the grow rate of which being calaulated at comparable coverage.                          
     II. Since 2019, port statistical caliber and the calculation methods of some cargo throughput have been adjusted.                                    
     III. Since 2020, the Ministry of Transportation has adjusted the statistical caliber of highway freight volume, and made the same caliber adjustment for the same period in 2019.                          
     IV. According to the requirements of the transportation department, Guangzhou Transportation Bureau has adjusted the statistical caliber of highway passenger and freight volume since 2021. From 2021, the passenger volume of water transport includes night travelers on the Pearl River.        

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