1-7 主要年份国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标
Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates in Main Years
指    标   Item   1978 2000 2005 2010       速度指标(%) Indices and Growth Rates (%)
          指数(2021为以下各年) 平均增长速度
    2015 2020 2021 Index(2021 as percentage of the following years) Average Annual Growth Rate
          1978 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1979− 2001− 2006− 2011−
          2021 2021 2021 2021
人口和劳动力          Population and Employment                                       
 年末户籍人口     (万人)    Year-end Registered Permanent Residents   (10000 persons)   482.90 700.69 750.53 806.14 854.19 985.11 1011.53 209.5 144.4 134.8 125.5 118.4 102.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1
 年末常住人口     (万人)    Year-end Permanent Population           (10000 persons)   482.90 994.80 949.68 1270.96 1594.95 1874.03 1881.06 389.5 189.1 198.1 148.0 117.9 100.4 3.2 3.1 4.4 3.6
 年末全社会从业人员  (万人)    Year-end Employment                   (10000 persons)   266.90 496.26 574.46 732.93 927.91 1158.01 1163.44 435.9 234.4 202.5 158.7 125.4 100.5 3.5 4.1 4.5 4.3
 城镇非私营单位从业        Number of Employed Persons at Year-end                147.36 175.55 199.76 246.37 320.31 419.36 426.94 289.7 243.2 213.7 173.3 133.3 101.8 2.5 4.3 4.9 5.1
  人员年末人数    (万人)     in Urban Units                        (10000 persons)                                    
地区生产总值      (亿元)   Gross Domestic Product              (100 million yuan)   43.09 2505.58 5187.85 10640.67 17347.37 25068.75 28231.97 15624.7 841.5 439.8 232.9 144.6 108.1 12.5 10.7 9.7 8.0
 第一产业            Primary Industry                                    5.03 94.37 130.22 168.62 206.52 286.27 306.41 720.8 196.2 150.5 150.0 131.6 105.5 4.7 3.3 2.6 3.8
 第二产业            Secondary Industry                                  25.24 1029.94 2067.00 4053.30 5777.17 6716.16 7722.67 16708.5 783.9 390.1 213.0 137.6 108.5 12.6 10.3 8.9 7.1
 第三产业            Tertiary Industry                                    12.82 1381.27 2990.63 6418.75 11363.68 18066.32 20202.89 20498.0 913.8 485.2 246.9 148.5 108.0 13.2 11.1 10.4 8.6
人均地区生产总值     (元)   Per Capita GDP                                 (yuan)   907 25758 54160 86582 111060 135315 150366 4292.0 436.0 224.4 152.5 120.3 106.7 9.1 7.3 5.2 3.9
农业生产            Agriculture                                         
 农林牧渔业总产值   (亿元)    Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry,              7.99 163.05 220.81 322.13 413.46 514.03 542.55 685.8 96.9 61.2 43.9 29.6 19.3 4.9 3.3 3.0 3.4
                  Animal Husbandry and Fishery         (100 million yuan)                                    
 主要农业产品产量         Output of Major Farm Products                                       
  粮 食       (万吨)     Grain                                  (10000 tons)   111.06 88.11 51.73 43.04 44.09 14.22 15.08 13.6 17.1 29.2 35.0 34.2 106.0 -4.5 -8.1 -7.4 -9.1
  园林水果      (万吨)     Fruits                                  (10000 tons)   5.17 32.97 48.87 39.92 48.58 79.25 81.94 1584.9 248.5 167.7 205.3 168.7 103.4 6.6 4.4 3.3 6.8
  蔬 菜       (万吨)     Vegetable                              (10000 tons)   55.68 306.49 348.89 325.99 369.10 403.82 403.84 725.3 131.8 115.7 123.9 109.4 100.0 4.7 1.3 0.9 2.0
  肉 类       (万吨)     Meat                                  (10000 tons)   5.05 32.77 32.03 32.36 22.86 11.21 9.87 195.4 30.1 30.8 30.5 43.2 88.0 1.6 -5.6 -7.1 -10.2
  水产品       (万吨)     Aquatic Products                         (10000 tons)   3.16 32.52 38.83 44.14 48.39 50.67 50.77 1606.6 156.1 130.7 115.0 104.9 100.2 6.7 2.1 1.7 1.3
工业生产            Industry                                           
 工业总产值      (亿元)    Gross Industrial Output Value          (100 million yuan)   75.39 3100.02 6767.96 14438.99 17935.16 22476.89 24644.40 29305.6 1076.3 464.8 223.5 139.9 109.7 14.1 12.0 10.1 7.6
 主要工业产品产量         Output of Major Industrial Products                                       
  汽 车       (万辆)     Motor Vehicles                          (10000 unit)   0.23 3.81 41.35 135.84 220.99 295.21 296.64 128975.5 7785.9 717.4 218.4 134.2 100.5 18.1 23.0 13.1 7.4
  新能源汽车      (辆)     New Energy Automobile                        (unit)           2613 79767 149882         5736.0 187.9        
  摩托车整车     (万辆)     Motorcycles                            (10000 units)     60.31 196.57 441.05 363.77 203.15 219.99   364.8 111.9 49.9 60.5 108.3   6.4 0.7 -6.1
  家用电冰箱     (万台)     Household Refrigerators                   (10000 sets)     58.14 146.29 179.14 349.74 431.44 366.29   630.0 250.4 204.5 104.7 84.9   9.2 5.9 6.7
  智能电视      (万台)     Smart TV                               (10000 sets)           568.39 412.77 287.18         50.5 69.6        
  房间空气调节器   (万台)     Air Conditioners                         (10000 sets)   0.32 103.43 292.71 636.78 1154.23 916.16 951.53 297353.9 920.0 325.1 149.4 82.4 103.9 20.4 11.1 7.6 3.7
  原电池及原电池组  (亿只)     Primary Cells and Batteries            (100 million units)   2.69 18.89 39.35 22.90 2.26 4.01 5.49 204.0 29.0 13.9 24.0 242.8 136.8 1.7 -5.7 -11.6 -12.2
  锂离子电池     (亿只)     Lithium Ion Battery                      (10000 units)           1.18 3.76 3.16         267.6 83.9        
  工业机器人      (套)     Industrial Robot                                (set)           1737 4242 4343         250.0 102.4        
  工业自动调节仪表         Industrial Automatic Regulating Instrument                      30.17 195.07 212.17         703.2 108.8        
   与控制系统    (万套)      and Control System                       (10000 sets)                                    
  粗 钢       (万吨)     Crude Steel                             (10000 tons)   18.46 151.16 308.71 403.17 101.44 147.27 147.27 797.8 97.4 47.7 36.5 145.2 100.0 4.9 -0.1 -4.5 -8.7
固定资产投资          Investment in Fixed Assets                                         
 固定资产投资     (亿元)    Total Investment in Fixed Assets         (100 million yuan)   7.26 923.67 1519.16 3263.57 5405.95 7611.10 8502.75 117051.6 920.5 559.7 260.5 157.3 111.7 18.4 12.1 12.6 11.2
 # 住 宅             Residential Buildings                               0.90 325.03 377.70 572.71 1406.81 2263.17 2599.28 289226.5 696.3 599.2 395.2 184.8 114.9 20.4 10.4 12.8 14.7
社会消费品零售总额   (亿元)   Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods   (100 million yuan)   17.63 1079.59 1765.01 3809.04 6994.42 9218.66 10122.56 57349.2 937.5 573.5 265.8 144.7 109.8 15.9 11.2 11.5 9.3
注: 1.本表地区生产总值和工业总产值指数按照可比口径计算。                    
NotesI. Indices of gross domestic product and gross industrial output value are calculated at comparable coverage.                      
    II. The relevant data of agricultural production in 2017 have been revised, and the absolute number follows the historical number. The relative number is calculated on the basis of adjusted data.                      
    III. The year-end social workers from 2010 to 2020 were adjusted according to the results of the seventh National Population Census.                      
    IV. In 2019, according to the data of the Fourth National Economic Census, the regional GDP data from 2008 to 2018 and the total retail sales of consumer goods from 1992 to 2018 were revised.                      
    V. The permanent population of 2015 is revised according to the Seventh National Population Census.                      

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