1-5 法人和产业活动单位数
Number of Corporate Units and Industrial Establishments
单位:个 (unit)
项     目 Item 2020 2021
法人单位 产业活动单位 其中:多产业法人所 法人单位 产业活动单位 其中:多产业法人所
Corporate Industrial 属的产业活动单位 Corporate Industrial 属的产业活动单位
Units Establishments Establishments Units Establishments Establishments
    belonging to Multi-     belonging to Multi-
    industry Corporation     industry Corporation
总 计 Total 824700 874365 63759 837112 885997 62772
按产业分 Grouped By Industry            
 第一产业   Primary Industry 2533 2568 63 2409 2446 63
 第二产业   Secondary Industry 113111 115990 4890 116885 119694 4757
 第三产业   Tertiary Industry 709056 755807 58806 717818 763857 57952
按行业分 Grouped By Sector            
 农、林、牧、渔业   Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 3199 3244 79 3068 3114 78
 采矿业   Mining 66 67 3 65 65 4
 制造业   Manufacturing 83208 84423 2353 84865 86000 2184
 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat,Gas and Water 738 915 211 763 930 204
 建筑业   Construction 30455 31990 2391 32626 34179 2429
 批发和零售业   Wholesale and Retail Trade 286758 304310 20968 290510 307839 20637
 交通运输、仓储和邮政业   Transport, Storage and Post 21482 24338 3603 22737 25578 3575
 住宿和餐饮业   Hotels and Catering Services 17793 21280 4348 18598 22168 4453
 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业   Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology 63516 65433 2763 63873 65721 2731
 金融业   Financial Intermediation 5110 9238 4433 5647 9709 4366
 房地产业   Real Estate 33175 37818 6128 34488 38903 5864
 租赁和商务服务业   Leasing and Business Services 137180 143817 8695 137738 144267 8594
 科学研究和技术服务业   Scientific Research and Technical Services 73300 75385 3170 73165 75353 3275
 水利、环境和公共设施管理业   Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities 2642 2737 164 2878 2983 173
 居民服务、修理和其他服务业   Service to Households, Repair and Other Services 17267 18437 1610 17414 18570 1589
 教 育   Education 13637 14441 1072 13789 14554 1016
 卫生和社会工作   Health and Social Service 3864 4108 335 3902 4128 317
 文化、体育和娱乐业   Culture, Sports and Entertainment 20347 20853 752 20223 20713 741
 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织   Public Management, Social Security and Social Organizations 10963 11531 681 10763 11223 542

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