1-4 行政区域面积和人口密度(2021年)
Land Area and Population Density (2021)
各  区   行政区域面积 年末常住人口 年末户籍人口 常住人口密度 户籍人口密度
  (平方公里) (万人) (万人) (人/平方公里) (人/平方公里)
  Administrative Permanent Registered Permanent Population Density
Districts Area Population at Permanent Population by Registered
  (sq.km) Year-end Residents at Density Permanent
    (10000 person) Year-end (person/sq.km) Residents
      (10000 person)   (person/sq.km)
全  市 Total 7434.40 1881.06 1011.53 2530 1361
 荔湾区  Liwan 59.10 112.96 78.30 19113 13249
 越秀区  Yuexiu 33.80 104.90 117.45 31036 34749
 海珠区  Haizhu 90.40 182.18 109.52 20153 12115
 天河区  Tianhe 96.33 223.86 104.93 23239 10893
 白云区  Baiyun 795.79 368.91 116.20 4636 1460
 黄埔区  Huangpu 484.17 119.79 63.66 2474 1315
 番禺区  Panyu 529.94 281.83 112.82 5318 2129
 花都区  Huadu 970.04 170.93 86.36 1762 890
 南沙区  Nansha 783.86 90.04 51.75 1149 660
 从化区  Conghua 1974.50 72.74 65.54 368 332
 增城区  Zengcheng 1616.47 152.92 105.00 946 650
Note: The data of administrative area in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, and registered permanent residents data are provided by Guangzhou Public Security Bureau.

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