
综 合

General Survey

  1. 1-1行 政 区 划 (2021年末)
    Administrative Divisions (Year-end of 2021)
  2. 1-2各月平均温度、湿度 (2021年)
    Monthly Average Temperature and Humidity (2021)
  3. 1-3各月降雨量、日照时数(2021年)
    Monthly Precipitation and Sunshine Hours (2021)
  4. 1-4行政区域面积和人口密度(2021年)
    Land Area and Population Density (2021)
  5. 1-5法人和产业活动单位数
    Number of Corporate Units and Industrial Establishments
  6. 1-5续表
  7. 1-6按登记注册类型分组的法人单位数 (2021年)
    Number of Corporate Units by Sector and by Status of Registration (2021)
  8. 1-6续表
  9. 1-7主要年份国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标
    Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates in Main Years
  10. 1-7续表
  11. 1-8各时期主要指标平均每年增长速度
    Average Annual Growth Speed of Main Indicators in Different Periods
  12. 1-9全市产业及主要结构情况
    Basic Statistics on Industries and Main Structure of Guangzhou
  13. 1-10主要年份人民物质文化生活水平
    Material and Culture Life of the People in Main Years
  14. 1-10续表
  15. 1-11主要年份地区生产总值
    Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
  16. 1-12主要年份地区生产总值指数 (上年=100)
    Indices of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years (Preceding Year=100)
  17. 1-13主要年份地区生产总值构成
    Composition of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
  18. 1-14地区生产总值
    Gross Domestic Product
  19. 1-15各时期地区生产总值和平均每年增长速度
    Gross Domestic Product and Annual Average Growth Speed in Different Periods
  20. 1-16地区生产总值使用表
    Utilization Balance Sheet of Gross Domestic Product
  21. 1-17居民消费水平
    Household Consumption
  22. 1-18三次产业对地区生产总值增长的贡献率(1990-2021年)
    Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Growth of GDP (1990-2021)
  23. 1-19三次产业对地区生产总值增长的拉动 (1990-2021年)
    Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to the Growth of GDP (1990-2021)
  24. 1-20各行业增加值 (2020年)
    Added Value by Sector (2020)
  25. 1-21各行业增加值构成 (2020年)
    Composition of Added Value by Sector (2020)
  26. 1-22各区国民经济主要指标 (2021年)
    Main Indicators of National Economic by District (2021)
  27. 1-23广州开发区国民经济主要指标
    Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangzhou Development Zone
  28. 1-24广州保税区国民经济主要指标
    Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangzhou Bonded Zone
  29. 1-25广州高新技术产业开发区国民经济主要指标
    Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangzhou Hi-tech Development Zone
  30. 1-26私营企业基本情况 (2021年末,按行业分)
    Basic Statistics on Private Enterprises (Year-end of 2021, by Sector)
  31. 1-27私营企业基本情况(2021年末,按地区分)
    Basic Statistics on Private Enterprises (Year-end of 2021, by Region)
  32. 1-28个体工商户情况
    Basic Statistics on Individual Business
  33. 1-29个体工商户情况(2021年末,按行业分)
    Basic Statistics on Individual Business (Year-end of 2021, by Sector)
  34. 1-30内资企业基本情况 (2021年末)
    Basic Statistics on Domestic-Funded Enterprises (Year-end of 2021)
  35. 1-31全市国有土地使用权出让、划拨情况
    Total City Lease and Administrative Allocation of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land
  36. 1-32全市房地产市场交易情况
    Transactions in Total Real Estate Market
  37. 1-33劳动力市场情况
    Statistics on Labor Force Market
  38. 1-34技术市场交易情况
    Statistics on Transactions in Technological Market